Science & Technology

The latest in science and technology.

Indigenous communities continue to face disproportionate barriers to health

Dr. Ojistoh Horn, from the nearby Mohawk Kahnawake Nation, spoke at the Women’s Health Conference hosted by McGill’s Comparative Healthcare Systems on March 11. The conference aimed to spark conversations on the structural and social determinants of health within Canada. After attending medical school at the University of British Columbia,[Read More…]

Will artificial intelligence be able to replace human vision?

In 2014, theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking warned us of the dangers artificial intelligence (AI) poses to mankind. He told BBC News, “Humans, who are limited by slow biological evolution, couldn’t compete, and would be superseded.” Hawking is best known for his predictive theorem—called Hawking radiation—which predicts that black holes release blackbody[Read More…]

The impact of music on identity

Music affects the human brain in endless ways. From experiencing pleasure and joy to sound, to remembering autobiographical events, to communicating through movement, music impacts humans constantly and significantly. In a recent study published in February in Scientific Reports—led by Cognitive Psychologist and Professor Dr. Daniel Levitin—sex, drugs, and music[Read More…]

McGill Defi Ecotech Challenge hosts Women in Cleantech panel

The hosts of the McGill Defi Ecotech Challenge commemorated International Women’s Day on March 8 with a Women in Cleantech panel. Clean technology, coined “cleantech,” reduces environmental impact via innovation in any product, process, or service through increased efficiency and sustainability. The panelists, Myriam Bélisle, Solenne Brouard, Diane Leboeuf, and[Read More…]

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