Science & Technology

The latest in science and technology.

Tiny materials, big changes: McGill announces new minor program in nanotechnology

McGill’s Faculty of Engineering launched a new minor program this year that explores into the world of nanotechnology. It’s a relatively young field that focuses on nanomaterials—materials that have one dimension measuring 100 nanometres or less. Nanomaterials are so tiny they often can’t even be seen under a microscope—in fact,[Read More…]

Economics of the anthropocene: Paradigm shift needed for sustainable future

On behalf of the Post-Graduate Students’ Society (PGSS) and Economics for the Anthropocene (E4A), Stewart Wallis, the former executive director of the New Economics Foundation (NEF), discussed the need for a transition from an anthropocentric economic system to a biocentric one. The Oct. 4 presentation, titled Economics without Growth, opened[Read More…]

Origins of the Canadian accent: Canadian English and factors that contribute to linguistic change

Despite many linguistic similarities with our southern neighbour, the Canadian accent—or accents—can be as distinctive as our love of hockey, maple syrup, and good manners. The origins of Canadian English can be traced back to the American Revolution in the late 18th century when roughly 45,000 Loyalists—American colonists still faithful[Read More…]

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