In case you stopped watching after the first play, here’s what you missed in Super Bowl XLVIII… THE WEATHER The hype surrounding the inclement weather amounted to absolutely nothing as the temperature in the Meadowlands held up at around 10ºC all night with little wind and no snow. With the[Read More…]
The big game in the Big House
On New Years Day, staff writer Wyatt Fine-Gagné and managing editor Ben Carter-Whitney were among the 105,491 fans who packed into Michigan Stadium in Ann Arbor, MI to watch the 2014 NHL Winter Classic. For this edition of Cheap Seats, they compare notes on their experiences. Ben Carter-Whitney (BCW):[Read More…]
10 Things: The Winter Olympics
1 The first Winter Olympics was held in Chamonix, a winter resort town in the French Alps in 1924, where 285 athletes from 16 different countries competed in six different sports. Charles Jewtraw, an American speed skater, won the first gold medal in the history of the Games in 500m[Read More…]
Around the water cooler
In case you were too busy enjoying your weekly fix of Mayor Ford news, here’s what you missed this past week in the world of sports… NFL–It looked like the weather patterns from Toronto’s political storm drifted south, wreaking havoc on the Windy City. The Chicago Bears’ contest against[Read More…]