Dear Ainsley, I'm an international student at McGill and I come from a country that experiences a hot and dry climate for the majority of the year. I felt like the weather during the fall was fine, but I’m having trouble getting through the Winter semester so far. I'm more[Read More…]
Ask Ainsley
Ask Ainsley: My roommate doesn’t like me bringing people home. What gives?
Dear Ainsley, I've recently been bringing guys home with me to hook up and my roommate isn't happy about it. But it's not like I'm bringing home strangers. It's getting unbearable, and I'm stressed all the time. What do I do? My roommate just doesn't seem to understand. Sincerely, Handling[Read More…]
Ask Ainsley: How do I leave my friend group?
Dear Ainsley, I have been thinking about moving on from my friend group for a while, because they aren't really serving me anymore, and I think it's time. The hard part, though, is that we've been a set group of friends for years, and I'm not sure how to casually[Read More…]
Ask Ainsley: How can I have a safe one-night stand?
Dear Ainsley, Now that I’m in my first year of university, I feel like a lot of my friends are having one-night stands. I’ve never had one before, but I want to prepare myself for the possibility. Do you have any tips on how to have a safe one-night stand?[Read More…]
Ask Ainsley: My friend committed suicide. How do I cope?
Dear Ainsley, A couple of weeks ago, one of my oldest friends committed suicide. I’m still completely in shock about the situation and can’t shake the feeling that I could have done something to help them. I’m having a lot of trouble processing this situation, and I’m not sure how[Read More…]
Ask Ainsley: How do I learn to put myself first?
Dear Ainsley, Schoolwork is piling up and my stress level is rising—all the while, one of my best friends is constantly asking me to hang out late at night. I know she’s going through a rough patch after recently breaking up with her significant other, but I've been losing sleep, with[Read More…]
Ask Ainsley: Should I go to therapy?
Dear Ainsley, Since classes started this year, I have started experiencing a lot of anxiety for the first time in my life. I am considering going to see a therapist, but I’m really nervous about it because I’ve never seen one before, and as far as I know, none of[Read More…]
Ask Ainsley: I’m developing feelings for my casual hookup. What do I do?
Dear Ainsley, I recently started hooking up with someone new. Everything has been going well so far and they’re super fun, but I can’t help but worry that I’m going to get attached, and from what I’ve heard, they’re not looking for anything serious at the moment. To be honest,[Read More…]
Ask Ainsley: Should I break up with my partner for voting for Trump?
Dear Ainsley, My boyfriend voted for Trump, and I don’t support this. Should we break up? Sincerely, Perplexed about Politics (PAP) Dear PAP, As a pretty fierce liberal, upon reading your question my initial response was “absolutely.” I can’t count the amount of arguments I’ve gotten into with friends and[Read More…]
Ask Ainsley: How do I cope with my best friend and my ex dating?
Dear Ainsley, A friend of mine from back home recently told me she’s been dating my ex for four months and lying about it. I’m not so much mad that they’re dating, more so that they lied for four months. Also, when she told me, she was incredibly insensitive and[Read More…]