Dear Ainsley, I’m a cisgender, straight female and a first-year student at McGill. So far, I’m loving Rez, school, and all the friends I’m meeting, but there’s something that’s been bothering me. In high school, I briefly had a boyfriend, with whom I had sex. Since then, I’ve had a[Read More…]
Ask Ainsley
Ask Ainsley: How do I network with my professors?
Dear Ainsley, I’m going into my third-year in September, and even though it’s far away, the thought of graduate school is already weighing heavily on my mind. I’m fairly certain my GPA will be good enough to get into the schools I want to apply to, but I feel like[Read More…]
Ask Ainsley: “What should I expect coming into first year?”
Dear Ainsley, Dear Ainsley, I am entering my first year at McGill in the Fall, and I'm not quite sure what to expect academically. I've heard grade deflation at McGill can be severe, and that classes are rigorous. What should I expect? Sincerely, Frightened First Year (FFY) Dear FFY, To[Read More…]
Ask Ainsley: “How can I avoid blacking out?”
Dear Ainsley, Last weekend I went to a party at a friend’s house. I was drinking vodka and not really counting my shots and I ended up blacking out for the first time. My friends took great care of me, but I still woke up the next morning feeling really[Read More…]
Ask Ainsley: “How do I talk about condoms with my partner?”
Dear Ainsley, I am bad at negotiating condom use and will often not mention it if the other person doesn’t. What are some tactics to bring this up when my partner doesn’t want to? Sincerely, How to Wrap it Up? Dear HTWU, I always used to pride myself on my[Read More…]