McGill’s chapter of UNICEF has grown into a very different organization today from its conception in 2001. UNICEF McGill has changed radically over the past two years, growing in structural capacity, team spirit, support, and attendance from students. Over the past year specifically, UNICEF McGill has evolved from a fundraising[Read More…]
Campus Spotlight
Campus Spotlight: Fit for a Cause (FFAC)
It is often easy to become de-motivated in working out during the cold, dreary winter semester. Having an incentive to work out is integral to keeping healthy during the school year. Fit For A Cause (FFAC) McGill is a student organization that offers fitness classes run by volunteers. The classes[Read More…]
Campus Spotlight: Heart City Apparel
In preparation for the camera crew, Matt Dajer and D’Arcy Williams had rearranged the furniture in Dajer’s small studio apartment. The bed went into the kitchen, and the desk was shifted to create a frame with Heart City Apparel’s merchandise in the background. Dajer and Williams, the two co-founders of[Read More…]
Campus spotlight: CASCO
The Commerce and Administration Student Charity Organization (CASCO) celebrated arts, comedy, and philanthropy at its 14th annual dance and fashion show at L’Astral Theatre on Nov. 22.
Campus Spotlight: McGill Student Street Dancers
With such a diverse student body that attracts students from around the world, McGill has a wealth of sub-culture and nuance represented by the amazing diversity of clubs, organizations, and communities present. Being a small student community at a large academic institution can make it hard to stand out. The[Read More…]
Campus Spotlight: Movember McGill
For some, November represents the impending cold of the long Montreal winter and the struggle to prepare for finals and assignments. For others, it also brings a whole different meaning. November marks the month of “Movember,” a movement started in Australia eight years ago by Adam Garone and a group[Read More…]
Campus Spotlight: McGill Women In Leadership
Feminist movements have received a surge of recognition from mainstream media in response to Emma Watson’s He For She speech at the United Nations. Women’s roles in the professional world is one of the most recent conversation topic for McGill Women In Leadership (MWIL) club, which seeks to address these[Read More…]