From composing an email to plagiarizing an assignment, ChatGPT can do it all—and with impressive quality, surpassing the average AI bot. The caveat is that it’s very difficult to detect its use. ChatGPT’s impressive generative skills pose a novel problem for the world of academia and are bound to change[Read More…]
Emerging Trends
Escape the digital world and touch some grass
It’s 2009: The early internet days. Poptropica and Club Penguin are booming, Microsoft released Windows 7, and Disney XD hit cable services. But then came social media, along with a lasting novelty that prompted an ineffable sense of enthusiasm to the extent that it is now an inextricable component of[Read More…]
To swipe or not to swipe: Dating in a post-lockdown world
Since March 2020, the comings and goings of COVID-19 have altered the structure of our social lives. For nearly two years, people of all ages reduced their in-person activities and turned to an online world of family gatherings, end-of-year parties, and even dating. Some embraced this shift in dating culture[Read More…]
Tote bags: Tote-ally cute or tote-ally cringe?
From my daily commute, to literature classes, to my close friend group—everywhere I go, tote bags follow me. I have always dismissed this as an aesthetic trend, making fun of my friends carrying a tote to campus compared to the practical, and may I say classy, backpack. However, I recently[Read More…]
What are you doing 2nite?: The app transforming event-throwing and going
“What are we doing tonight?” It’s the question McGillians have been asking each other since the dawn of time. The answer comes to us now in the form of a social networking app taking Montreal, and soon enough, the world, by storm: The 2nite app. 2nite is a social networking[Read More…]
A sticker is worth a thousand words: Laptop stickers, explained
As we reach the peak of midterm season, campus libraries are jam-packed with students scrambling to get all their work done. Although everyone is essentially there for the same reason, let’s face it: Some students simply look cooler than others. Could this be the result of their carefully curated fall[Read More…]
Balaclavas: Where practicality and personality meet
Balaclavas have recently stepped on the scene, taking the fashion world by storm. In the past year, the Google search “how to knit a balaclava” grew by five thousand per cent. What was once deemed unfashionable has dramatically taken off. Typically made out of wool or other kinds of yarn,[Read More…]
Montreal then and now: Documenting the city’s changing urban landscape
Every few days, Instagram account Montreal Then and Now posts historical photographs of the city––sometimes recognizable intersections and buildings, other times obscure corners or neighbourhoods. Swipe to the left, and you’ll see a present day snapshot of these settings at the same angle, all taken by Elijah Herron, creator of[Read More…]
Making way for handmade gifts
When I was in high school, I used to start making my Christmas gifts in the summer. I’d knit stuffed animals, ornaments, socks, mittens, and anything in between. They were a vivid collection of knit items that didn’t always look like the pattern pictures in the books. But that was[Read More…]
Wending your way through winter commutes
The arrival of winter, with its sub-zero temperatures and snow-packed roads, transforms students’ lifestyles—especially when it comes to their daily commute. Much of the student body can be seen walking or biking to school in the summer months, but far fewer cyclists are spotted on the roads once the first[Read More…]