Summer is nearing, and with it come those mid-lecture daydreams of travel. For some, visions of an idyllic European getaway dance through their heads. For others, bucket list travel may look like an adventurous road trip or a rugged hiking adventure through some of Canada’s national parks. Where do McGill[Read More…]
Student Life
All about student life on campus.
Surviving college as a commuter student
Having grown up in the Montreal suburbs, I’ve always felt like living at home while going to McGill would guarantee that I’d be left out of the “college experience.” Thankfully (sort of), my first year was during the height of COVID-19, meaning there wasn’t much to miss out on. But[Read More…]
Group projects: A burden or a blessing?
Almost all students can relate to the experience of finding out that a group project is worth 30 per cent of their grade. For many, this realization instills a sense of dread: Will my group partners pull their weight? How will we find a time that works for us all[Read More…]
Snow-melting looks to don for Spring
Spring has sprung in Montreal. The Hot Dog Guy has resumed his post at the Y-intersection, the amount of people walking around campus seems to have doubled, and the thrifting girlies have broken out the long, ruffled skirts and quirky sunglasses. With the temperature change comes an important change in[Read More…]
The Tribune’s natural skincare guide
Do we need skin? Most would say yes. Some would say it depends. I, for one, believe that the former is the case, which is why I’m committed to sharing my skincare routine with the McGill student populus. For some context: I’m a minimalist at heart. I only use a[Read More…]
Tribute: Remembering Professor Monica Popescu
Born in Brasov, Romania in 1973, Monica Popescu was a star student throughout her studies. After receiving degrees from the University of Bucharest, the University of Windsor, and the University of Pennsylvania, she began teaching at McGill in 2005, where she taught courses on African literatures, literary and social theory,[Read More…]
On the (internship) hunt
“What are your summer plans?” As 12-degree days start to make their way back to Montreal, so too does the topic of summer plans. How about an internship? While internship application periods vary depending on the field, late winter can often be a busy period with many job openings being[Read More…]
Ask Ainsley: Finding the perfect roommate
Dear Ainsley, We are already halfway through the semester and I will soon need to pack up my room in res to go home for the summer, but I still don’t know where I’ll be coming back to in September. Time has gone by so fast and I now realize[Read More…]
Curating the perfect photo dump
For painting, it was the self-portrait. For sculpture, the bust. For movies, the film noir. Every art form has an influential format that forever changes the medium, yet none can compare with the format that has taken the art of social media posting by storm—the photo dump. A collection of[Read More…]
How to plan a reading week staycation
With reading week on the horizon, many of us are creating plans to escape the city (or reading responsibilities). But if you happen to be sticking around Montreal here are some cool things to check out for your reading break staycation. Music Montreal’s thriving music scene is always bustling with[Read More…]