MyVision (MV) is a global enterprise of young people with a mission to find a solution to the world’s social issues through social business. MV McGill came to fruition in 2012 thanks to business partners and McGill undergraduate students Yashvi Shah and Joanna Klimczak. It has since evolved into a[Read More…]
Student Life
All about student life on campus.
Student of the Week: David McCusty
Originally from Richmond, Virginia, U3 Pharmacology student David McCusty chose McGill to pursue his academic interests in pharmacology with a minor in linguistics. However, academics was not his only concern coming to McGill; McCusty has also worked at pub nights and participated in changing credit policies at McGill. McCusty is[Read More…]
Out on the Town: Nega Sake opens in Lower Plateau
Nega Sake, a Korean-Japanese restaurant, brings a fusion of flavours to the between Prince Arthur and Coloniale Avenue. With its grand opening this past weekend, the restaurant aims to cater to the large student population of the Lower Plateau, and add to the multicultural atmosphere of the neighbourhood. Nega Sake’s[Read More…]
Making the Simple Exquisite: Tips to make a classic broth
Knowing how to make a good and flavourful broth is a helpful tool to have in one’s repertoire. Broths have so many uses in the kitchen, ranging from making a delicious homemade chicken noodle soup to adding flavour to sauces. The key to an amazing broth is patience—let the broth[Read More…]
McGill Sikh Students’ Association hosts second annual Turban Tying Event
Many McGill students chose to spend the afternoon on March 17 learning about Sikh culture and supporting The McGill Sikh Students’ Association (MSSA) at the second annual Turban Tying Event. Completely free and volunteer-run, over 100 students attended the event, which was held in the Madeleine Parent room in the[Read More…]
Student of the Week: Andrea Boza
Andrea Boza, a U2 double Economics and Psychology major, is interested in international development. Boza elaborated on her desire to study human economics and its influence on society. “This type of research in human economics is something I [want] to further study,” Boza said. “I would love to help people[Read More…]
Making the Simple Exquisite: How to make tomato sauce
A key accessory to making many great meals is a simple and easy tomato sauce. While many resort to buying canned sauce, a homemade tomato sauce is not only cheaper, but can also be adapted to specific tastes and built upon to make classic dishes. In the summer, try using fresh[Read More…]
Campus Spotlight: NetRoots International
NetRoots International is a non-profit organization that was created in 2011 by seven McGill undergraduate students as a Montreal chapter. The club has grown over the past four years to 50 members and expanded internationally. According to Alex Shadeed, NetRoots president and U3 Political Science and International Development student, NetRoots[Read More…]
Spring fashion features refreshing outfits
With the rise in temperature over the past week, it is evident that spring weather is just around the corner. After experiencing the long winter and cycling through the same combinations of outfits warm enough for the Montreal winter, it’s time to let loose and experiment. Put away the common[Read More…]
Famous Montreal bagel locations
It’s no doubt that one of Montreal’s claims to fame is its legacy of consistently fantastic bagels. Notable differences when contrasted with other popular types of bagels—namely the New York bagel—include the smaller size, the sweeter taste, and the denser quality. Montreal bagels are always baked in a wood-fired oven,[Read More…]