Student Life

All about student life on campus.

Staying fit without the fitness centre

If one were to do a Family Feud-style poll of the most common New Years resolutions, getting in better shape would probably take the number one spot—and rightfully so. Especially during winter, when getting to class can feel like a burden in itself (residents of Lorne and Aylmer excused), committing[Read More…]

Advice on navigating advising

As we settle into another semester, many students find themselves facing looming questions they put off over the holidays. What’s the best way to find a summer job or internship? Do you have enough credits to graduate on time? How can your budget accommodate another semester’s tuition fees? One of[Read More…]

A new chapter for the Greeks

Although they largely go unnoticed by McGill students today, McGill’s Greek-letter societies are among some of the oldest student groups on campus. The first fraternity at McGill, Zeta Psi, was established over a century ago in 1883. Chapter histories and mandates state that the societies were founded on ideals of[Read More…]

Navigating the next steps: graduate school applications

Undergraduate degrees today are gradually becoming the high school degrees of yesterday. According to Shawn O’Connor, founder of Stratus Prep New York’s test preparation and admissions consulting firm, graduate degree programs are increasingly receiving more and more applications. O’Connor regularly travels with universities’ admissions groups across North America. On Nov.[Read More…]

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