Student Life

All about student life on campus.

Ask Tribby

My grandma was diagnosed with cancer a while ago, but things started to look worse these last few days. I really want to go home to Vancouver to see her in case anything happens because my grandma is one of the most important people in my life. The problem is I have two midterms coming up and am already going home for Thanksgiving. The tickets are expensive and it will be a major hassle to have to make the trip twice.

On-campus jobs: seek and ye shall find

Finding a job as a McGill student isn’t always an easy task in Montreal, especially with Quebec’s language laws. An on-campus job can be a convenient and rewarding alternative to getting a job elsewhere in the city, but students often don’t know where to start their search. Although there are many options available, there are three primary resources: the Work Study Program, MyFuture, and networking.

Student of the Week: Cosmo Kramer

This week’s Student of the Week is Cosmo Kramer, a U1 anthropology student . He was nominated for his entrepreneurial spirit, athletic prowess, and for being an active presence around campus. MT: You’ve started all sorts of initiatives around campus. Which has been the most successful? CK: Well, last year[Read More…]

Local salon cashes in on cat-vertising

A crowd stops dead in their tracks, fixated on the window display of a modest Plateau-Mont-Royal hair salon. The scene has been a common one at Salon MOOV ever since they started employing a powerful yet unconventional marketing strategy. Though Salon MOOV offers quality salon services, it’s not quite the hairstyling that mesmerizes the onlookers, but a litter of newborn Bengal kittens.

End-of-season tabbouleh salad

The summer growing season is coming to an end, but there is still time to celebrate the delicious vegetables provided by the warm weather—corn, tomatoes, cucumbers, and much more. This riff on tabbouleh salad draws inspiration from traditional flavours, but also incorporates delicious in-season produce. This Levantine Arab dish is a healthy and satisfying way to enjoy this time of year.

Student of the week

This week’s Student of the Week is Tricia Olson, a U2 double major in biology and computer science. She was nominated for her involvement in a wide range of McGill clubs. Some of her roles in clubs this year include vice president of Gamers’ Guild (a club about board and card games), advertising executive of the Symphonic Band Club, member of Epilogue Book Club, and member of the McGill Mafia Club (a club for the party game known as Mafia or Werewolf).

Burger Royal

If you need a new go-to-destination for your next burger bonanza, consider the delectable Burger Royal. Located on St. Laurent between Roy and St. Cuthbert, this lesser-known joint serves up succulent burgers with imaginative toppings. Since their opening in December 2012, the owners have vowed to produce quality products using[Read More…]

Ask Tribby

This summer I met the most amazing guy at my internship in California. We met on the first day of work and hit it off immediately. While he’s studying finance at UCLA, I’m a management student at McGill. We still communicate through Skype and text messages every day, but I feel like the distance between us is getting farther and farther. We never defined what was going on between us or talked about our plans after the summer. Is this just a summer fling or an actual relationship?

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