As sunny hours begin to stretch long into the evening, spring is right at our fingertips. It’s hard to find the motivation to finish that paper or lab that’s due next week—let alone begin studying for finals. The long weekends of Easter and Passover are upon us with their extra[Read More…]
Student Life
All about student life on campus.
Student of the Year
Student of the Year – Owen Nelson – Jazz Performance, U4
Irish stew with dumplings
Stew with dumplings – Serves 6-8. A genuine Irish family recipe to help alleviate your post-St. Paddy’s Day blues. This quick recipe is easy to prepare, and will definitely fill you up. Reheated leftovers are also delicious! Stew: 2 cups cooked meat, diced (any of lamb, beef, pork, etc.) 2[Read More…]
A handy new way to think about your John Hancock
How do you take notes in class? On your laptop right? Most of us learned to print the alphabet the same way, using the same models, and often the same, techniques. Although there is a universal model for handwriting, the way we form letters varies greatly among individuals. That’s because[Read More…]
Ask Tribby
Dear Tribby, I decided to move in with three close friends from residence, but over the course of the year, I’ve realized that we really shouldn’t have been roommates. I still value my friendships with all three girls, but I only want to live with one of them in the[Read More…]
Local spa provides rest and relaxation for McGillians
Sylvie-Chantale Duquette couldn’t stand much higher than five feet tall, but every inch of those five feet is bursting with energy. Her friendly greeting to every customer entering her spa is something McGill students have come to associate with the intimate atmosphere of SCC Spa Urbain. Despite catering to patrons[Read More…]
Student of the Year March
Over Reading Week, students voted on the Tribune’s website for their favourite Student of the Week out of the 20 students profiled this year. Votes were tallied, and we have compiled a semi-March Madness style bracket to share the results.
Ask Tribby
This week the Tribune is introducing a new advice column answering questions submitted by McGill students. Got problems? E-mail us at [email protected]. Dear Tribby, I’m in my third year at McGill, going into my last year of undergrad next year, and I absolutely despise my major. I’ve considered switching before,[Read More…]
Behind the Scenes: The real experiences of an international student at McGill
I’ve been studying as an undergraduate international student at McGill for the past three years. Born and raised in Iran’s second largest city, Esfahan, I moved to Canada to acquire the best possible education I could afford. The trend among Iranian families is to send children abroad only for post-graduate[Read More…]
Student of the Week
Q: So, you’re in the Faculty of Music? A: I’m doing a major in Jazz performance, and a minor in business. I find that it’s very important to be able to sell yourself in anything you do, and I’ve found at the music school that people don’t have business skills,[Read More…]