Student Life

All about student life on campus.

The University of Melbourne is one of many student exchange destinations. (

Life on exchange

The symptoms: sleeping in lectures, cramming for exams, dreaming about the holidays instead of writing your term papers. The diagnosis: you are officially stuck in a rut. The cure: exchange. Choose your destination, sign the forms, and never look back. Being a student at McGill brings you endless opportunities to[Read More…]

A small taste of fall.(

Pumpkin Tart

This tasty recipe is a nice twist on the classic pumpkin pie, and perfect for sharing with roommates, study buddies, or anybody else you may need a favour from in the future.  Prep time: 10 minutes Baking time: 20 minutes Ingredients 14 oz. sweetened, condensed milk 1 ¼ cups canned[Read More…]

Top ten excuses to take a study break

Midterm season can leave students feeling overwhelmed and chronically sleep-deprived, so it’s no surprise that we need an occasional break from the ceaseless storm of papers, exams, and assignments. A talented few can sail through midterm season without cracking a book, but the rest of us have to spend at[Read More…]

Trick, treat, and party

Halloween is right around the corner and you know what that means: parties, pumpkins, costumes, and candy! With so many things happening on and around campus, it’s hard to keep track of everything Halloween-themed. To help you out, the Tribune has created a handy-dandy list of sure-to-please events right here[Read More…]

No change needed at Nickels

Next to the flashing neon sign for a nearby club that bogarts the attention of most passers-by, sits a quaint, unassuming retro-style diner by the name of Nickels. This gem of Saint Catherine’s, established by Montreal’s very own Celine Dion, is part of a Canada-wide chain of restaurants, and is[Read More…]

The caffeine question: coffee or tea

Guilty or guilt-free—the jury is still out on the health implications of coffee. A staple in the morning routine of millions of Canadians and Americans, coffee drinkers often advocate its health benefits. On the other side of the fence, sit non-coffee drinkers loudly proclaiming the liquid’s harsh effects and singing[Read More…]

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