Student Life

All about student life on campus.

Tips for the budget-conscious

As midterms begin to fade away, many of us are realizing just how little of the school year is left. Finals suddenly seem to be miles closer on this side of reading week, and everyone is making plans for how to budget the rest of their time and money for[Read More…]

Hidden fashion gems

This week, faced with the prospect of a ‘clothes swap’ a friend was organizing, I decided to confront my problem with clothes. You see, I have a shopping disorder.  I behave in a sensible and frugal fashion until I feel suitably deprived, which usually takes a little under a week,[Read More…]

How to study smart, not hard

It’s a busy, hectic time of year. Exams are breathing down your neck, and papers and reading are piling up impossibly in your planner and on the floor of your apartment. During this last push, it’s critical to make sure your study environment and habits are helping you instead of[Read More…]

Understanding the 2012 Elections As the Republican candidate debates continue and the rhetoric gets heated, let’s take a step back for a moment to understand what’s actually going on in U.S. politics. Canadians know very well that what happens across the border can have a considerable impact on them, and many seem to[Read More…]

Has McGill apparel gone too far?

On any given day at McGill you can spy an endless range of labels, prints, textures, trends, and styles, giving this campus an eclectic but trendy appearance.  You would expect, or at least hope, that McGill apparel would uphold our campus’ fashionable reputation. However, as I have learned over the[Read More…]

Tasty Tex-Mex black bean burger When I became a vegetarian, one thing I missed was eating hamburgers. There’s nothing quite the same as biting into a hearty burger to satisfy your hunger. That’s why I was thrilled to learn how to make my own bean burgers. Rich in protein and fibre as well as[Read More…]

Montreal Winter Activities

Don’t let those winter blues get you down. Just because it’s cold outside doesn’t mean you should stay inside all day at the library. So, to bring some variety to the snow-filled months that lie before us all, the Tribune has compiled a list of the winter activities Montreal has[Read More…]

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