Student Life

All about student life on campus.

The Maldives struggle for survival

With the recent dump of snow and freezing temperatures, global warming is probably the last thing on the minds of most Montrealers.  While global warming may sound favourable when it’s -21 degrees celcius outside, for some it’s a daily threat. Each year the Maldives loses three of its inhabited islands[Read More…]

Introducing the hashtag

  They’re called hashtags, and they’re a phenomenon that started on Twitter and are now appearing all over the Internet (and even outside, with the appearance of ‘air hashtag’ hand-signs). Before explaining what hashtags are, let’s examine the social media that started it all. Twitter was launched in July 2006,[Read More…]

Holiday spirit in the city It’s getting to be that time of year again—when midterms are fading from memory and finals are just far enough away that panic mode hasn’t quite set in yet. The time of year when the snow begins to fall and the Canada Goose jackets come out. The time of[Read More…]

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