The average university student is aware of the crippling effects suffered by after alcohol consumption. They call it: The Hangover. As the years progress in my university life, I can’t help but notice that the day-after effects are getting worse. Our bodies are aging and our society is expecting more[Read More…]
Student Life
All about student life on campus.
Penny-pinching tips to make your money last until April
In high school, they teach that keeping a balanced budget is simple arithmetic: paycheque in, expenses out. Always leave a little margin between the two to save for a rainy day, and live within your means. What a romantic concept. Most budget FAQs and resources out there aren’t designed for[Read More…]
The Maldives struggle for survival
With the recent dump of snow and freezing temperatures, global warming is probably the last thing on the minds of most Montrealers. While global warming may sound favourable when it’s -21 degrees celcius outside, for some it’s a daily threat. Each year the Maldives loses three of its inhabited islands[Read More…]
Five helpful hints to prepare for your semester abroad Moving to Canada from the United States, though probably the easiest “international” transition anyone could ever make, was surprisingly difficult for me. Moving to Paris from Canada, on the other hand, has been very easy and natural. This may be because I am no longer 17, or that I’ve[Read More…]
The pros and cons of winter in Quebec
Montreal is finally exhibiting signs of winter. On Thursday morning, just as the sun was starting to rise, I saw a glimmer of white on my window pane and jumped out of bed, only to whack my head on a bookshelf. Once I’d confirmed the presence of freshly fallen snow[Read More…]
From Montreal to Washington Washington: A McGill grad runs for Congress
Since Ilya Sheyman graduated from McGill in 2006, he’s returned to his home state to run for Congress as a Democrat in Illinois’s 10th district. The district, which encompasses the northern suburbs of Chicago, elected Republican Robert Dold in 2010. An immigrant from the former Soviet Union, the 25-year-old Sheyman[Read More…]
Introducing the hashtag
They’re called hashtags, and they’re a phenomenon that started on Twitter and are now appearing all over the Internet (and even outside, with the appearance of ‘air hashtag’ hand-signs). Before explaining what hashtags are, let’s examine the social media that started it all. Twitter was launched in July 2006,[Read More…]
Why I started celebrating Christmas in November
all the fun, none of the drama. I hate people who celebrate Christmas too early. I would usually hesitate to use such a strong word in such a mild context, but no other adjective is strong enough to express my loathing. Christmas is the crown jewel in the holiday calendar[Read More…]
A student’s endless craving for authentic Mexican food There are certain things in my life that I have learned to live without. While spending a summer behind the great firewall of China in Beijing, I did not have access to Facebook for two months. During my summer in Bangladesh, I had to acclimate to 34°C weather and[Read More…]
Holiday spirit in the city It’s getting to be that time of year again—when midterms are fading from memory and finals are just far enough away that panic mode hasn’t quite set in yet. The time of year when the snow begins to fall and the Canada Goose jackets come out. The time of[Read More…]