As I trudged by a workshop on Mill Street in the pouring rain, a kind-eyed, pony-tailed glassblower stared at me. He wore an expression of shock and sympathy, holed up in his abode of warm kilns and red-hot vases. I had little time to stop and commiserate, so I pushed[Read More…]
Student Life
All about student life on campus.
The Tribune’s Guide to Activities Night
Activities night is Tuesday, September 13 and Wednesday, September 14, from 4-8 PM in the Shatner Building. If you haven’t experienced the keener-chaos of activities night, then you should charge the front lines this year. The 45-minute wait in line is worth it, even if only to take advantage[Read More…]
Saag Paneer This is my mother’s easier and healthier version of the classic Indian spinach dish that can be adapted to suit whatever you have in your kitchen. Paneer is an Indian fresh cheese that is fully vegetarian and a good source of protein. If you want a vegan alternative, substitute[Read More…]
Rustock Botnet Takedown
If you typically stock up on “V1aGr4” and “C!AL!$” from suppliers who email you individually, expect to have a bit more trouble over the coming weeks. Last week, Microsoft shut down the largest source of spam emails on the Internet, the Rustock botnet. A botnet is a large collection of[Read More…]
Summer reading list from McGill’s most popular profs
Consultating consultation
Still months away from assuming their posts, next year’s Students’ Society executive has announced plans to hold multiple consultation forums in the coming semesters in order to better understand how McGill students want to be consulted about consultation. Though the seed of this idea was part of incoming President Adam[Read More…]
Shipment of scarves delayed
A shipment of scarves and cardigans intended for the McGill philosophy department has been delayed in transit, causing major concern and worry for the members of the program. The philosophy department, which many students in the department call “the only thing worth doing,” is currently searching for the package. However,[Read More…]
Didn’t bring tupperware? Too bad
Holly Brewart This Tuesday, the Students’ Society passed a General Assembly motion to make McGill campus the most sustainable campus in Canada, and probably on Earth. SSMU’s environmental motion will create a number of changes on campus starting in September 2011. Firstly, all disposable plates, cups and cutlery will be[Read More…]
U0 student worried about Africa after Poli Sci class
After finally attending a lecture for POLI 227: Developing Worlds, Rachel Birkwire, a U0 student from “Toronto” (Oakville), said she is “actually really worried” about the current situation in Africa. Though she couldn’t be any more specific about which situation she was referring to, Birkwire said she thinks “we actually[Read More…]
Student asks question in last few minutes of lecture, receives annoyed glares from everyone
With only two minutes remaining in the lecture for MATH 140, an eager student, Andrew Smith-Appleby, said he didn’t understand question two of the problem set, and asked how to evaluate a equation. “The prof was just reminding us about an assignment we had due the following week, usually a[Read More…]