whatsforlunchtodayhoney.net This past Saturday night was a surprise birthday party for a friend of mine, and naturally an opportunity for some baking fun. I had another friend over to help out, and together we made a very cute, reasonably simple, and impressive looking cake: Chocolate Crepe Cake. This cake is[Read More…]
Student Life
All about student life on campus.
St. Patrick’s day in Boston alone
If you’re like me, being alone is one of those things you spend most of your time avoiding. Unless I’m in some kind of intensive study disposition or having one of those occasional 20 minute introvert moments, I do very little by myself. Walking and talking, eating, grabbing coffee, even[Read More…]
WebCT quotation
Subject: Assigned Readings Author: Student 1 Will we require calculators for our midterm tomorrow? Author: Student 2 You might, I won’t Author: Student 3 Douche.
McGill’s Barbados campus: Bellairs Research Institute
Matt Essert McGill is a terrible tundra of frigidness and despair. You can’t go to class without having your nose hairs freeze off or your feet succumbing to terrible frost bite … unless of course, you’re spending a semester at the McGill Bellairs Research Institute in beautiful Barbados. The Bellairs[Read More…]
The Mac vs. PC debate
Over the years there have been a number of lively computer debates, many of which remain unsettled. There’s Vim versus Emacs, C++ versus Java, and whether or not P is equal to NP. All of these arguments pale in comparison to the most disputed topic in both geek and non-geek[Read More…]
A McGillian Gone South
Elisha Lerner Elisha Lerner Tall, stern, and with a prominent scar on his right cheek, Guy Boucher looks like the prototypical hockey coach. He speaks in short, to-the-point sentences, yells at his players and uses phrases like “all piss and vinegar”—things you could only hear in a hockey dressing room.[Read More…]
Computing’s Future: It’s in the clouds
In one of the most rapidly changing industries in the world, the next major paradigm is rolling in: cloud computing. Much in the way the Internet altered our computing perspective, cloud computing is drastically changing the way people use their computers by increasing the speed and availability of data and[Read More…]
Carrot-Zucchini bread
This zucchini-carrot bread uses the healthiness of vegetables to create a guilt-free alternative to your average brownie. Quick and easy to make using any fruit and nuts you have lying around, it’s easy to tweak the recipe for a range of dietary restrictions. The best part is that the veggies[Read More…]
WebCT quotation of the week
Subject: Assigned Readings Author: Student 1 What are the assigned readings for the mid2? when can we have the list of readings? Subject: Assigned Readings Author: Student 2 Seriously? We just had a midterm yesterday… YESTERDAY!
Why abc123 is a strong password
If you’ve used the Gawker media service in the last year or so, you’re probably aware of the massive account information leak that occurred in late 2010. In this security breach, the user database, containing 1.3 million users, was leaked. This breach shows that even huge sites with millions of[Read More…]