Cider-making is an old and noble tradition. You too can follow in the footsteps of Norman artisans and perform the nuanced ritual of turning fresh-picked fruit into alcohol. Or if you’re like me, you can cut a whole bunch of corners. Simpler even than using a kit to make[Read More…]
Student Life
All about student life on campus.
It can be hard to sift through the millions of applications available for your smartphone. There are apps for reading and writing and arithmetics, apps for games and gags, and managing your green. Since it can be overwhelming to sift through them on your own, here are some of the[Read More…]
Stuffed mushrooms
Holly Stewart Holly Stewart This weekend we had a guest stay with us, and wanted to impress them with a delicious dinner. We decided to make maple and spice glazed carrots and parsnips, three cheese mashed potatoes, and stuffed mushrooms. The stuffed mushrooms are a particularly good option if you’re[Read More…]
Let Bonhomme guide you through Quebec’s Carnaval
Keeley Allen Tire sur la neige. Bonhomme. Chateau Frontenac. If you don’t know what these are, it may be time to head down to Quebec City for the final weekend of Carnaval. If you do, you already understand why you need to go again. For those who have never[Read More…]
McGill Graduation bucket list
Whether you’re in U0 looking forward to the next three years out of residence, or in U3 trying to do all the things you said you wanted to do when you decided to come to McGill, there should be something on this list for you. After all, this is no[Read More…]
Mad med reputations In the 1860s and 1870s, the Faculty of Medicine at McGill University was known for an anatomy program that always seemed to have a fresh supply of cadavers for its students to dissect. The Faculty of Medicine came to be when the university incorporated the Montreal Medical Institution. In[Read More…]
IPv4 no more
Last Thursday marked a significant event in the history of the Internet. While many people didn’t notice it, and it wasn’t nearly as publicized as Y2K, something happened that necessitates a major shift in the way the Internet functions: the Internet stopped growing. Internet protocol addresses, or IP addresses, are[Read More…]
Creamsicle Conecakes
Chelsea Lytle Last week, we discovered something that will forever change the way you think about cupcakes: you can bake them in ice cream cones. While you’d be hard-pressed to find someone who doesn’t like cupcakes, the edible cone far surpasses the traditional paper cup. You can make these using[Read More…]
Library Reviews: Episode 5 – Howard Ross The faculty of Management at McGill is most well known for three things: having the best cafeteria, their new tuition model for graduate students, and not having class on Fridays. You won’t hear too much about their library, though. Situated on the corner of Sherbrooke and McTavish, the Bronfman[Read More…]
Asian Chicken Soup
Monique Evans After a long day of skiing on Saturday, I arrived home with a serious craving for the spicy Asian-style soup my mom always makes. I’ve collected a significant number of Asian ingredients over the past year, so I figured I’d look up some recipes for guidelines. This soup[Read More…]