Student Life

All about student life on campus.

Staying warm when going to class

In order to stay warm in this city during the winter months, the first thing you need to do is realize you will never stay warm in Montreal. Accept that as a fact. Now let’s move on. Second, you need to ask yourself whether you want need to stay warm.[Read More…]

The “Dawson” in Dawson hall Sir John William Dawson was one of McGill’s earliest principals, working from 1855 to 1893. His tenure at McGill was marked by major transformations in the school’s appearance. When recalling his first impressions of the campus back in 1855, Dawson said: “Materially, it was represented by two blocks[Read More…]

Showering like a pro

There are only a few reasons to take a shower. One possible reason is that you are so smelly that strangers tell you as much. If a stranger complains that you are smelly, it means that you are so smelly that the stranger felt the need to tell you about[Read More…]

Crazy couponing

During the approximately 100 hours I spent watching TLC over the holiday break, I learned some important lessons: 19 kids are far too many, petite girls should never carry big purses, and Sarah Palin is a good shot. Some of the most useful information, however, came from a new show[Read More…]

WebCT quotation of the week

Subject: Assignment answers Student 1: I don’t understand what resource utilization is. I’ve searched the slides and I haven’t found anything on it. Are we supposed to Google the answers??? Student 2: All the answers can be found from the textbook. I suppose Google could work too. Student 3: I’m[Read More…]

Saucy explosion

I’d like to think that most criminals get their due. A horrible mishap that I had at my summer job this summer, though, has changed my mind. Now, I’m more inclined to think that for every criminal that gets punished, there must be 10 that fly under the radar.  [Read More…]

Baked brie Having holiday bread and cheese withdrawal? Fear not. This baked brie is easy, oh-so-delicious, and guaranteed to disappear in 10 minutes or less. It’s served with caramelized onions and wrapped in puff pastry. If you don’t like onions, you can use cranberry relish and almonds, or even raspberries tossed[Read More…]

Overrated Holidays

HALLOWEEN Pressure: In elementary school, Halloween was a one-day event that required one costume, usually purchased at Wal-Mart. In a university setting, Halloween is a four-day event. Each day requires a different costume, and each costume must be original and witty. Cost: If you find your costumes around the house,[Read More…]

Peppermint Bark

Holly Stewart There’s no reason that peppermint bark can’t be enjoyed year round. Nor should Williams Sonoma have a monopoly ($30 per box) on this refreshing treat. The store-bought version has a layer of dark chocolate, a layer of white chocolate, and crushed peppermint candy on top. Adding peppermint extract[Read More…]

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