Student Life

All about student life on campus.

FOOD: Ile de where…?

Île de la Reunion! If you have any clue as to the whereabouts of this obscure island, then you are probably a Geography major because it seems only a handful of people in this city have even heard of it. J. Pierre Charpentier, the manager of Le Piton de Fournaise, decided that he was sick of the Montreal cold and went abroad and spent six years on this minute southern African island located in the Indian ocean off the east coast of Madagascar.

Cashing in on ‘awkward’ moments

Generally speaking, the average student goes to the bathroom with one or two specific goals in mind; one of which is not to select a new social action group to join. Or is it? Washroom stalls across campus are becoming increasingly more cluttered with advertisements ranging from club meetings to Vonage telephone service.

Citizens of the world appreciate Coke

Tadpole biting the wax. Not really an appetizing name for the sweet fizzy drink known as Coca-Cola, which is exactly why the Atlanta, Georgia soft drink giant spent loads of money researching a new name for Coke in China, one that would mean “tasty and amusing.

CHATTERBOX: ‘Lu and behold!’

Not many professors would start their 10 a.m. class with an Eminem song blaring over the sound system as their half-awake students stumble into the room. Then again, not many professors are like Catherine Lu, who currently teaches Western Political Thought on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays in the Adams auditorium The political science department has more than twice as many men as women professors.

STUDENT LIVING: HOW-TO-Prank your roommate

You will encounter many challenges throughout your university experience: making decisions about your daunting major concentration, dealing with significant other problems, answering the question “to drink or not to drink” and of course, facing the quintessential university roommate dilemmas.

SILHOUTETTE: Dude, where’s my passport?

When you live in a city where most of the homeless people can beg for money in three different languages, you know it’s international. Out of the 19,000 undergraduates at McGill, 3,660 of them are from outside of Canada. Encompassing over 4,000 students, including graduates and part-timers, the McGill International Student Network is one of McGill’s most valued student organizations.

Is your face worthy of Facebook?

Think you’re on Facebook to socialize? Think again. With over 20,000 new members registering daily for the infamous friendship network, Facebook is known, first and foremost, as an efficient tool for the communicating masses. While eager stalkers interact via notes, poking and wall writing, they are also tuning into something much larger and essentially much vainer: themselves.

STUDENT LIVING: Recipe-Ah, zee Franche cuisine

Even the most particular person always has at least one thing to marvel at when they think of the French: food. French food is one of the oldest, proudest and most regulated gastronomical traditions in the world. This is not to say that Indian, Thai, Spanish or any of the other traditions are lacking in some way, but they were not institutionalized as early as the French.

STUDENT LIVING: How to…Talk shit in French

A few years past, one’s command of the French language had to be fairly deft to survive in Quebec for very long. McGill students, for the first weeks after arriving in Montreal, would need to assiduously commit dozens of key phrases to memory in order to obtain everyday household items, from milk to light bulbs.

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