Stir-frying random ingredients is a simple way to cook an impressive meal without culinary skill or expertise. I lack all three, but I can still make a passable tofu stir-fry without setting something on fire. The following recipe takes 10-30 minutes to prepare, depending on how many vegetables you use, and about 10 minutes to actually cook.
Student Life
All about student life on campus.
Fashion Week Montreal
The 18th annual Montreal Fashion Week kicked off in style at the Marché Bonsecours last week. The festival was full of innovative fashion shows, glamorous parties, and the fifth edition of Le Showroom, in which leading designers play host to buyers from around the world.
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Mystery Vegetable, Served Two Ways
Fennel is my favourite vegetable by all counts, but not one that I see people cooking with very often. However, I use it all the time, and I’m always pleasantly surprised by the many ways it can be used. Fennel is a root vegetable that looks like a cross between a white onion and celery, with dill sprouting from the top.
Back to basics: margaritas
Canadian-Mexican cuisine is one step below Tex-Mex: anything that’s spicy and can be served with a tortilla is labeled as Mexican food. While I can’t change the food – the best Mexican food ingredients are nearly impossible to find in Montreal – the margaritas are certainly fixable.
Students Supporting Disabilities
While many students are directly or indirectly affected by disabilities, until now, few have felt comfortable enough to talk about it with their peers, fearing discrimination or lack of understanding from others. Students Supporting Disabilities (SSD), a new McGill club, is working to change this.
Demystifying depanneur wine
When it’s 10:59 p.m. on a Friday night, the SAQ is long closed, the pre-drink just started, and that bottle of vodka you thought was in the freezer is actually in the recycling bin empty, depanneur wine is always there to save you from what otherwise would have been a dry night.
Get absolutely anything delivered
Now that subzero temperatures and snowstorms have returned to Montreal, you may be feeling a little reluctant to leave your room. The following services will deliver right to your doorstep, whether you’re sick, hungover, or just a typical lazy student. Scenario: It’s 3 a.
In Brooklyn, fresh Montreal bagels now for sale by the dozen
Minutes after they finished watching the Canadian Olympic hockey team defeat the Slovakians last Friday, Joel Tietolman and Jon Leitner walked into St.-Viateur Bagel, paid for the 115 dozen bagels they had pre-ordered, and began loading them in Tietolman’s Volkswagen Passat.
Cheese, herb and beer bread
Beer bread is a savoury quickbread, much like a salty, dense pound cake. This specific recipe is made with cheese, which seeps through the delicious bread. Rosemary and thyme impart a sophisticated flavour, but the real kicker is the beer, which acts as a levener and adds a yeasty undertone.
First aid for computers, old or new
You’ve probably noticed that as your computer gets older, it seems to slow down. While it is true that newer computers are faster, this is no reason for your older computer to be any slower than the first day you got it. Here are a number of steps that can keep your computer functioning like it’s brand new.