With the temperatures steadily dropping and the leaves quickly disappearing, it’s time we accept the inevitable: Winter is coming. If it’s your first winter here, you’re in for quite the treat. If it isn’t, then great—I hope you remembered your jacket. After some 12 years of living in Montreal and[Read More…]
Student Life
All about student life on campus.
Tote bags: Tote-ally cute or tote-ally cringe?
From my daily commute, to literature classes, to my close friend group—everywhere I go, tote bags follow me. I have always dismissed this as an aesthetic trend, making fun of my friends carrying a tote to campus compared to the practical, and may I say classy, backpack. However, I recently[Read More…]
Patati Patata is the charming, local diner we all love
Oh, I’m exhausted. Now there’s an opening sentence to remember. I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to yawn in your face. It’s 6:30 p.m. on a Saturday and St. Laurent is subdued. It’s not deserted—the street’s just napping before the partying commences. Normally I’m able to find some time to write,[Read More…]
Quick and easy recipes for crunch times
Alas, we have arrived in November, a time when we are plagued by grey skies, the end of daylight savings, and store shelves prematurely filled with holiday decorations. Although the days are supposed to get shorter, they feel much longer as midterm season comes to an end and exam prep[Read More…]
What are you doing 2nite?: The app transforming event-throwing and going
“What are we doing tonight?” It’s the question McGillians have been asking each other since the dawn of time. The answer comes to us now in the form of a social networking app taking Montreal, and soon enough, the world, by storm: The 2nite app. 2nite is a social networking[Read More…]
The quest for Montreal’s best donut
Located in Old Montreal, 49th Parallel is a Vancouver-based chain of small cozy cafés that are mostly known for their coffee roasting. They typically focus on selling sustainably sourced coffee, but at their Montreal location, their main attraction is ‘Lucky’s Beignes,’ a donut kitchen tucked away towards the back of[Read More…]
Jeans Jeans Jeans is a one-stop shop for students on the denim hunt
Jeans Jeans Jeans, as the name implies, is a 6,000-square-foot jean warehouse packed from top to bottom with every cut, colour, size, and style of denim. The store, at the intersection of Casgrain and St. Viateur Street, is an unconventional jean shopping experience defined by enormous variety, low prices, and[Read More…]
Cinéma L’Amour: Beyond the merch
If you have walked around campus for more than five minutes, odds are you have seen someone sporting a “Cinéma L’Amour” tote bag. But what exactly is the Cinéma L’Amour? Are these people avid viewers of the erotic films played by the cinema or are they just posers? I decided[Read More…]
Word on the Y: Spooky stories that will keep you up all night
While Halloween itself has officially passed, the Halloween spirit continues to thrive on McGill’s downtown campus. In a city as old as Montreal, there are bound to be some spooky spectres floating around and frightening citizens. Or, if you’re more into ghost stories, there are bound to be some rumours[Read More…]
Which winter boot are you?
Did you all enjoy the brief intermission of 20-degree weather last week? Well, too bad—we’re back to our regularly scheduled programming. Remember that the temperature drop means that we’re barreling toward the moment no one has been waiting for: Winter. Yes, winter is coming, and it’s important to be prepared[Read More…]