Out of my way, out of my way. Trying to get through here, please. C’mon guys, can you not see I’m racing? It’s 9 a.m. and I haven’t had my morning fix. Not drugs, but coffee—my socially acceptable cocaine. Two black Americanos every day, religiously. Three cups if I’m lucky,[Read More…]
Student Life
All about student life on campus.
Summertime snacking: Recipes to keep you cool through the summer
With sweltering heatwaves and sky-rocketing summer temperatures, cool and refreshing snacks have become a necessity. Luckily, the Tribune has compiled a list of must-try fruity recipes before we wave goodbye to the Montreal summer. The one that invigorates — The simple fruit salad There’s nothing more energizing than a fresh[Read More…]
Word on the Y: Migrating to Montreal
With the end of August fast approaching, thousands of incoming first-year students are preparing to begin their studies at McGill and, for many, their new lives in Montreal. While this period of transition can be daunting, upper-year students have been through the same thing: Facing the struggles of missing home,[Read More…]
Auprès de ma blonde falls short on Mediterranean delights
Score: 1/5 starsPrice: $$ For those who aren’t familiar with it, Mediterranean cuisine is a complex term. I mostly think of it as Greek––and while Greek food is Mediterranean, not all Mediterranean food is Greek. There’s a big slice from Turkey, the South of Italy, France, North Africa, and the[Read More…]
Learning at lightning speed: The McGill summer student experience
While many McGill students spend their summers working seasonal jobs or jet-setting around the globe, for many others, this presumed period of rest and relaxation is all but an extension of their years-long quest to earn their degree. During three sessions in the summer months, McGill offers a vast array[Read More…]
Serving locals loaves: A taste of Paris at Le Toledo
That smell. My, isn’t it wonderful? Warm and yeasty like a Dutchman’s front pocket. It’s a smell that has fuelled nations, built pyramids, and gotten Julius Caesar out of bed! Do you smell it? Unblocking your nose might help; I know hay fever has been killer this year. Smell it[Read More…]
Word on the Y: Experiences with burnout
With finals season upon us, McGill students and faculty alike are entering a period of intense academic stress and anxiety. The turmoils of the past months, from online classes to several spikes in COVID-19 cases, have offered no relief. These high-pressure situations are the perfect recipe for burnout and ––the[Read More…]
Ask Ainsley: How should I handle rejection?
Dear Ainsley, It’s been a rough couple of weeks for me. I’ve sent out over 20 summer job applications, got two interviews, and no offers. I’m entering my final year next year and am worried that I’ll be unprepared to enter the workforce without professional experience. Plus, though I know[Read More…]
Graduating students look back at their time at McGill–and forward, too
As the Winter semester comes to a close, the class of 2022 is getting ready to graduate. Some will take a gap year to travel or to work, whilst others may be heading to graduate school. The options are endless—but what’s certain is that graduation marks both the end of[Read More…]
Tried and true hangover cures
The end of the semester is fast approaching, and with that, an influx of graduation parties and end-of-year get-togethers await you. Don’t get too ahead of yourself though: Finals are also right around the corner, so you can’t slack off just yet. Excessive drinking and hangover symptoms can ruin that[Read More…]