Student Life

All about student life on campus.

Exam-season survival guide

If there’s one thing we can learn from Montreal’s frigid winters, it’s that they always beget spring; a period of stasis, then, is essential for growth. As we enter a new season—as well as exam season—remember that amid the hustle culture of academia, rest itself is a radical act of[Read More…]

A conversation with ‘The McGill Nightly,’ the source of satire for McGillians

The history of student publications at McGill goes back nearly 150 years, with the creation of the McGill University Gazette, the first undergraduate-run monthly publication at McGill, in 1874. The 20th century saw the emergence of a different kind of publication: satire publications. These publications prefigured one that today many[Read More…]

The process is the protest

Between March 7 and March 18, organizers from Divest McGill occupied the McCall MacBain Arts Building to protest McGill’s multi-million dollar investments in the fossil fuel industry, calling on McGill to confront their complicity in settler-colonialism, white supremacy, and capitalism.  Over the past two weeks, Divest not only called attention[Read More…]

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