Student Life

All about student life on campus.

From socialism’s romantic influences to skeletal bromances, multifaceted love through time and space

Ahead of Valentine’s Day, the History Students’ Association (HSA) and the Classic Students’ Association (CSA) hosted their annual  “Love In The Time Of” panel on Feb. 10. The event featured four researchers and faculty members from the department of history and classical studies who delivered lectures on diverse instances of[Read More…]

EDRSC event explores junctions of mental health, chronic illness, and eating disorders

Content warning: disordered eating On Jan. 29, the Students’ Society of McGill University’s Eating Disorder Resource and Support Centre (EDRSC) hosted the panel, “Intersection of Mental Health, Chronic Illness, and Eating Disorders.” The virtual event gathered four specialists to discuss how individuals’ backgrounds can affect their experience with eating disorders. [Read More…]

Word on the Y: First-years’ experiences on campus

Isabella González, Staff Writer Coming from an international school where I knew everybody, I was overwhelmed when I stepped into overcrowded lecture halls with 100 different students during my first week of in-person class. As I walked into a bustling lecture hall lit up by blinding lights, I decided to[Read More…]

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