Student Life

All about student life on campus.

In lockdown, time for takeout

Students’ busy schedules and––mostly––amateur cooking skills makes getting takeout food a huge comfort. During another COVID-19 wave, it’s also especially important to support local restaurants—and when possible, remember to avoid corporate delivery services and order directly from businesses. For when you have no time to cook, or just want to[Read More…]

Taking the stage at Gerts

The mere idea of the adrenaline rush of getting up on a brightly illuminated stage and pouring one’s soul out in front of a live audience is enough to make some feel queasy. However, for student musicians, the excitement and anticipation of a high-energy performance are what makes the hours[Read More…]

Montreal then and now: Documenting the city’s changing urban landscape

Every few days, Instagram account Montreal Then and Now posts historical photographs of the city––sometimes recognizable intersections and buildings, other times obscure corners or neighbourhoods. Swipe to the left, and you’ll see a present day snapshot of these settings at the same angle, all taken by Elijah Herron, creator of[Read More…]

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