Dear Ainsley, The Quebec government’s announcement of new public health measures has me discouraged, to say the least. I’m entering my last semester at McGill, and I want to make the most of my time in this dynamic city. During normal times, I enjoy socializing with friends, going to the[Read More…]
Student Life
All about student life on campus.
Student perspectives on virtual and in-person learning
After nearly two years of the COVID-19 pandemic, opinions on the merits of online versus in-person learning tend to be passionate. Having experienced virtual learning for multiple semesters, students have adapted to different methods of schooling. With public health conditions once again necessitating online school, McGill’s return to a virtual[Read More…]
Taking the stage at Gerts
The mere idea of the adrenaline rush of getting up on a brightly illuminated stage and pouring one’s soul out in front of a live audience is enough to make some feel queasy. However, for student musicians, the excitement and anticipation of a high-energy performance are what makes the hours[Read More…]
Montreal then and now: Documenting the city’s changing urban landscape
Every few days, Instagram account Montreal Then and Now posts historical photographs of the city––sometimes recognizable intersections and buildings, other times obscure corners or neighbourhoods. Swipe to the left, and you’ll see a present day snapshot of these settings at the same angle, all taken by Elijah Herron, creator of[Read More…]
Making way for handmade gifts
When I was in high school, I used to start making my Christmas gifts in the summer. I’d knit stuffed animals, ornaments, socks, mittens, and anything in between. They were a vivid collection of knit items that didn’t always look like the pattern pictures in the books. But that was[Read More…]
Lube: What’s good and what’s just goo?
Consumerism is a curse! There’s nothing like choice paralysis, a phenomenon exemplified by the feeling of standing in the sexual health aisle of Pharmaprix and staring at the vast lube section: Water-based, silicone-based, massage oils, and more. Here, The McGill Tribune breaks down which ones are condom-compatible, safe for use[Read More…]
The McGill-wide 2021 holiday wishlist
It’s Nov. 30 and the holiday season is officially upon us! With less than a month until Christmas, you may feel overwhelmed about what to ask for this year. But don’t be alarmed—The McGill Tribune has got you covered. Below, you’ll find this year’s McGill wishlist, and hopefully, the items[Read More…]
Wending your way through winter commutes
The arrival of winter, with its sub-zero temperatures and snow-packed roads, transforms students’ lifestyles—especially when it comes to their daily commute. Much of the student body can be seen walking or biking to school in the summer months, but far fewer cyclists are spotted on the roads once the first[Read More…]
Ask Ainsley: Should I get a part-time job next semester?
Dear Ainsley, I’m not sure if I should get a part-time job for next semester. I do want to start building toward financial independence, but I’m worried that an added commitment to schoolwork and extracurriculars will be difficult to manage. A lot of my friends tell me they’re able to[Read More…]
Students croon for the comeback of karaoke
Karaoke allows people to come together and shine on the stage regardless of their musical talents; it is a stage where shower singers and professional singers stand on equal footing. When dance floors and other nightlife venues in Montreal officially reopened on November 15, people could once again head to[Read More…]