Meals For Milton-Parc is a newly created meal-share initiative developed by U3 Arts student Sophie Hart that aims to provide unhoused people in the Milton-Parc neighbourhood with food and care packages. The initiative was started on Oct. 7 upon Hart’s realization that there was no McGill organization which directly sought[Read More…]
Student Life
All about student life on campus.
Native Women’s Shelter’s virtual Spirit Walk surpasses fundraising goal
While Montreal’s entrance into the red zone means an increased period of social isolation for many, the continued spread of COVID-19 has further exacerbated the unhoused population’s daily hardships. As shelter capacities decrease, unhoused individuals are at risk of being further shut out of the already limited sources for refuge.[Read More…]
Spotlight on Montreal’s Black-owned restaurants
As restaurants and coffee shops shut their dining rooms due to Montreal’s re-entry into the red zone, students are increasingly turning to take-out meals. Whether as a special treat or a weekly habit, students often find themselves in a take out rut, ordering from the same restaurants instead of taking[Read More…]
Tribune Explains: Accessing virtual writing resources
Many students buckle under the stress that comes with writing and rewriting essays and term papers, and in the absence of in-person exams this fall semester, professors are increasingly dependent on written assessments to evaluate students. Whether you are new to McGill, still acclimatizing, or just need a boost, essay[Read More…]
Grocery delivery services help communities stay socially distanced
Before the pandemic, buying groceries online seemed like a bizarre, if not completely strange concept. With Montreal now in the red zone and multiple reported cases of COVID-19 being transmitted in grocery stores, online supermarket delivery services have become essential in helping students stay socially distanced while keeping their pantries[Read More…]
Mastering the art of the pantry meal
I’m a firm believer in keeping a well-stocked pantry. Upon hearing the word “pantry,” images of massive cold-rooms stocked wall-to-wall with cans of broth come to mind—an impossible feat of space (and organization) for busy students to accomplish. A pantry, however, does not have to be so daunting. Taking the[Read More…]
Cinched for the gods
Whether you’re a Pinterest mom, an Instagram baddie, or a dedicated Vogue reader like myself, you may have noticed one article of clothing taking over celebrity fashion within the past year: The Vivienne Westwood corset. Worn by the likes of Bella Hadid, FKA Twigs, and Barbie Ferreira, the corset is[Read More…]
A productive day in quarantine
With Montreal’s recent re-entry into the red zone, students now find themselves back in quarantine mode. Whether isolating due to exposure to COVID-19, quarantining after testing positive, or simply limiting their contact in accordance with provincial recommendations, students in Montreal will be spending more time indoors during the coming months.[Read More…]
Ask Ainsley: How do I network remotely?
Dear Ainsley, I’m a fourth-year Arts student stressed about post-graduation life. I was under the impression that I’d have lots of networking opportunities in my final year of undergrad. However, since classes have gone online, I’m finding it hard to make connections with employers and professors. I’m worried I won’t[Read More…]
Creating the baby zoomer generation
Zoom, a company that would have been unknown to many this time last year, has become a mainstay in our everyday lives. The COVID-19 pandemic transformed this little-known video conferencing application into a multi-billion dollar company, and for good reason: It offered an effective and simple video-call platform for workplaces[Read More…]