Dear Ainsley, I’m a third-year Arts student returning to McGill after a terrible Fall semester. In addition to struggling with the class material, I was coping with personal issues and my grades took a hit. I feel like the drop in my GPA erased all the hard work and progress[Read More…]
Student Life
All about student life on campus.
Courses of action for course materials
A new semester means new classes—and expensive textbooks. For many students, the first place that comes to mind for new textbooks is Le James at the corner of Sherbrooke and University, which gets jam-packed with students during the first few weeks of September and January. However, outside of the campus[Read More…]
Illuminating Medical Herstory
Inequality and injustices within the healthcare system are no secret, and high-income countries are no exception. Individuals of colour, those of a lower financial or social status, and members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community are sometimes treated dismissively by healthcare practitioners. Research on the differential treatment by gender in medical settings[Read More…]
Tribune Tastes: Vegan Cheeses
The Herbivore Society for Peace and Justice (HSPJ) hosted a Vegan Wine & Cheese event on Nov. 29 for McGill students and the Montreal community. The event, hosted at Café Origine, featured a sampling of vegan cheeses paired with red and white wine. //The McGill Tribune// sampled all the cheeses[Read More…]
Clubs still struggling to find spaces
In March 2018, the University Centre, commonly known among students as the “SSMU Building,” closed for much-needed renovations. While the building was scheduled to open by the end of that year, this date has been pushed back to April 2020, 16 months past the initial deadline. During this two-year period,[Read More…]
Revealing a sense of identity through personal style
I have always been fascinated by personal style, and I often wonder how our unique and individual styles are formed, what causes trends to come and go, and why we dress the way we do. Though we might assume that we can tell a lot about a person based on[Read More…]
At home at ECOLE
Throughout the year, McGill and Milton-Parc community members can be found at the ECOLE house, located at 3559 rue University, working to advance social and environmental sustainability through a range of groups and projects. Originally called Alternative University, ECOLE was born out of the 2012 Quebec student movement, wherein students[Read More…]
A fast-paced night showcases slow fashion in Montreal
The McCord Museum’s ‘After Hours: Slow Fashion’ event on Nov. 21 brought together members of Montreal’s fashion community for a night of celebrating sustainable style. The night’s programming focused on promoting creative and eco-friendly clothing and highlighted creative and ethical alternatives to fast fashion, the inexpensive clothing produced by mass-market[Read More…]
A candid cannabis conversation
Over a year after the national legalization of cannabis, Quebec is raising the legal age to 21, a decision poised to directly impact students. On Nov. 20, Voxcann, a cannabis education initiative by the nonprofit Groupe de recherche et d’intervention psychosociale (GRIP), and the Canadian Students for Sensible Drug Policy’s[Read More…]
Ask Ainsley: Coming home for the holidays
Dear Ainsley, I’m dreading going home for the holidays and seeing my family again, and this fear has been hanging over me since midterms. My parents can be really strict and critical, especially about my weight, grades, and struggles with my mental health. The prospect of seeing them again and[Read More…]