In appreciation of Mardi Retro.
Student Life
All about student life on campus.
A voice for student parents
With two full-time commitments, student parents need all the help they can get.
A search for space and community after the SSMU Building closure
The Students; Society of McGill University (SSMU) Centre has been the heart of student life at McGill since its completion in 1965. From napping in the lounge, to grabbing a drink at Gerts Bar, to popping by the Peer Support Centre for a chat, the centre was students’ go-to for[Read More…]
Montreal’s greatest foes
Inside the McGill-Concordia Rivalry
Saving the Farine Five Roses sign
Art project spotlights Farine Five Roses sign in Montrealers’ collective memory
Midterms & mental health: Alternative student resources
Navigating mental wellness services outside of the McGill’s health clinic
McGill’s political history: A conversation with Prof. McNally
The history of radicalism and conservatism at the university
Word on the Y – Advice for first years
The McGill Tribune takes to the Y to ask students what advice they would give to first year students beginning their journey at McGill.
The radical history of Milton-Parc
Photography exhibition tells the story of activism in Milton-Parc neighbourhood
Ask Ainsley: How can I balance my academic and personal life?
Advice on juggling your responsibilities at university.