Dear Ainsley, I've recently been bringing guys home with me to hook up and my roommate isn't happy about it. But it's not like I'm bringing home strangers. It's getting unbearable, and I'm stressed all the time. What do I do? My roommate just doesn't seem to understand. Sincerely, Handling[Read More…]
Student Life
All about student life on campus.
How a visit to the Redpath Museum can help you to survive in the wilderness
As the climate worsens and resources become more expensive, younger generations are under more pressure than ever to live sustainably. Fortunately, the Redpath Museum hosts monthly survival workshops informing students on how to live off the land—teaching skills like turning plant fibers into rope, proper beekeeping, or how to make[Read More…]
‘Anti-Colonial Evening’ revisits traditional Thanksgiving narratives
On Nov. 23, Montreal’s Native Friendship Centre was filled with warmth, food, and historical lessons as McGill students and Montreal residents attended an ‘Anti-Colonial Evening,’ organized by Le Frigo Vert and the Quebec Public Interest Research Group (QPIRG) at Concordia. Instead of partaking in a traditional American Thanksgiving celebration, over[Read More…]
Viewpoint: Me and my cultural fatigue
Every year, thousands of students move to Montreal to begin their journey at McGill. Although the university’s multinational student body is a blessing for international students, moving to a new place often comes with a cost that goes unnoticed by locals. When I moved to Montreal from Mumbai, I was[Read More…]
Make new friends and keep the old: How students stay in touch despite distance
University is an opportune time to make new friends—but sometimes, this comes at the expense of staying in touch with the old. Friendships naturally change over time, as distance and extracurriculars lead to new, and sometimes divergent, paths. It is already challenging for students to find time to catch up[Read More…]
Monthly Dignity provides hygiene products for women in need
When Chloé Pronovost-Morgan, and Julia Coste, both U2 Arts, began planning the launch of Monthly Dignity, they didn’t foresee the initiative’s rapid success. Just two weeks after its launch on Nov. 16, the students had raised over $1,500 in donations for the program, which distributes menstrual hygiene products to homeless[Read More…]
Hot yoga: Bridging the gap between the mind and body
Syncing breath with physical movement in a 40-degree room can do wonders for the brain. In a room full of strangers, hot yoga offers the chance for practitioners to calm their day-to-day thoughts and engage in reflective thinking; it forms the ultimate connection between the mind, body, and spirit. Deliberate,[Read More…]
A guide to Montreal’s best holiday markets
December is nearly upon us, and that means two things: Finals are just around the corner, and, perhaps more enticing, holiday markets are opening up around Montreal. These pop-up shops are one-stop spots for picking up unique gifts, enjoying cold-weather snacks, and experiencing live entertainment. Not sure where to start?[Read More…]
The link between gut health and mental health
University life can pose a challenge to maintaining healthy eating habits. From sugar-filled bars grabbed swiftly on the way out the door in the morning, to late-night cups of Tim Horton’s, the rigors of academia do little for the average student’s physical health. But stress-eating processed candy and grabbing rushed[Read More…]
Breakfast cookies for busy mornings and busy students
For many McGill students, weekday breakfasts do not exist; mornings entail waking up and heading right out the door to class. Students might dream of bacon, eggs, and luscious stacks of pancakes, but sadly, often wind up settling for a packaged and processed bar from the bottom of their backpacks.[Read More…]