Dear Ainsley, A couple of weeks ago, one of my oldest friends committed suicide. I’m still completely in shock about the situation and can’t shake the feeling that I could have done something to help them. I’m having a lot of trouble processing this situation, and I’m not sure how[Read More…]
Student Life
All about student life on campus.
Which is mightier: The pen or the keyboard?
The debate over whether or not students should be allowed to use laptops during lectures is a heated one that has sparked controversy at McGill for years. There are cases for both sides; a number of studies vilify laptops as distractions inhibiting students from fully processing information, yet, many students[Read More…]
Make the most of The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts: This season’s popular exhibits
Less than a kilometre away from McGill's Downtown Campus, the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts (MMFA) makes for the perfect study break or weekend adventure. With more than a million visitors per year, and over 40,000 works in total, across five buildings, the MMFA is one of the most prominent[Read More…]
The Tribune Tries: Buying groceries on a $40 budget
One of the many necessities of transitioning from adolescence to adulthood is learning how to budget. This is something that I’ve always struggled with: Most recently, for three consecutive weeks, I bought lunch on campus every day despite having food at home that I’d simply forgotten to pack. Now that[Read More…]
Top five places to cry on campus
There are two types of McGill students: Those who admit to crying on campus, and liars. University is hard and stressful, and between the stress of navigating classes, extracurricular activities, and rough nights out, it’s cathartic to have a release a few tears when you need to. Crying on campus[Read More…]
Librarie Wescott: A hidden treasure of St-Laurent
On the corner of Duluth Avenue and St-Laurent Boulevard, a hidden treasure of Montreal has been lying low for over 25 years: Librarie Wescott. The small, independently-owned used bookstore has an unbelievable collection of works on topics ranging from Buddhism to Italian geography—a disarray of texts that is almost unbelievable[Read More…]
Engineering Fair Trade Corner empowers global communities one cup of joe at a time
Located in a cozy nook between the Frank Dawson Adams Building and the McConnell Engineering Building near the University entrance, the Fair Trade Corner (FTC) is a hidden gem that offers organic and fair-trade beverages and pastries at an affordable cost. The FTC operates Mondays through Fridays from 10 a.m.[Read More…]
Word on the Y: What does balance mean to you?
As midterms approach, the concept of ‘balance’ may begin to seem increasingly elusive. Navigating university life is no easy task, but remembering to keep the big picture in mind is one of the biggest lessons students learn during their time at McGill. The McGill Tribune asked passers-by at the Y-intersection about[Read More…]
OAPhorum recaps ‘The Happiest Place on Earth’ and how to make it even better
On Oct. 3, the Engineering Undergraduate Society (EUS) held OAPhorum, a reflective discussion open to all McGill students about this semester’s Open Air Pub (OAP). Students discussed possible improvements to the biannual festival of food, beer, and music, which the EUS will consider when planning next year’s pub. Forum attendees[Read More…]
How students can better support survivors of sexual violence
Sexual violence is pervasive on McGill’s campus—according to the Annual Report on the Policy on Harassment, Sexual Harassment, and Discrimination Prohibited by Law, reports of sexual harassment increased significantly during the 2016-2017 academic year. Worse, many students feel ill-prepared to support a survivor when they disclose their experience of a violent[Read More…]