Dear Ainsley, Schoolwork is piling up and my stress level is rising—all the while, one of my best friends is constantly asking me to hang out late at night. I know she’s going through a rough patch after recently breaking up with her significant other, but I've been losing sleep, with[Read More…]
Student Life
All about student life on campus.
A bond like no other: Rooming with friends
From Joey and Chandler, to Will and Grace, to the Golden Girls, pop culture narratives inundate us with the idea that living with friends is an essential part of being young, a right of passage into adulthood. These iconic friendships have romanticized this idea, establishing it as the norm, despite[Read More…]
Markets of Montreal: A guide to exploring Montreal’s fall food venues
Now that the seemingly endless summer has wrapped up, fall is finally upon us—and with the changing seasons comes the perfect weather for strolling through Montreal’s food markets. Make the best of the city’s beautiful, albeit short-lived, fall season with The McGill Tribune’s rundown of the best venues around. Marché[Read More…]
Campus Spotlight: McGill Permaculture Club
Sustainability and ethics are the two general pillars of a form of agriculture known as ‘permaculture.’ A combination of the words ‘permanent’ and ‘culture,’ the term refers to the development of sustainable and ethical agricultural ecosystems. The practice—and the 12 specific principles behind it, which advocate for reducing waste, increasing[Read More…]
Viewpoint: My study abroad experience
This past summer, I spent six weeks studying French language and literature at Middlebury Language Schools, an intensive program at Middlebury College in Vermont. The experience not only improved my French as expected, but also opened my eyes to the educational possibilities availably beyond the Roddick Gates. Prior to registering[Read More…]
Viewpoint: Trying (and failing) to run my first marathon
Sometimes life gets busy and it becomes hard to focus on ourselves. I, for instance, tend to neglect my health when school and work get in the way, eventually leading me to short, impulsive, guilt-motivated spurts of fitness. In one of these moments this past summer, I talked myself into[Read More…]
Exploring loneliness within McGill’s nooks and crannies
Fear has an infinite number of personalities. Often times, the cliché examples come to mind, like phobia of spiders, snakes, or the dark. But there are fears that often go undiscussed, like the fear of being alone. It is a fear of living in isolation, of being devoid of the[Read More…]
Freshman frustration: Breaking down the “best four years of your life”
Every September, almost 7,000 first-year students arrive at McGill and, after settling into residence and promptly ushering their families out of their dorms, eagerly dive into life’s next chapter. The expectation is that the next three or four years will be the best of their lives. But once the novelty[Read More…]
Brace yourselves, breakfast is coming
The McGill Tribune has compiled four nutritious mug-recipes that can be made in a microwave in less than five minutes, to ensure that you’re getting your nutrients on even the most rushed of mornings.
How to build, work, and navigate your networks
Many students share a common goal of securing a job right out of university—but this task can prove more challenging than many anticipate. There is a crucial underlying factor at play in deciding one’s career fate: Their networks. New graduates are often cautioned with the age-old saying “it’s who you[Read More…]