Dear Ainsley, Since classes started this year, I have started experiencing a lot of anxiety for the first time in my life. I am considering going to see a therapist, but I’m really nervous about it because I’ve never seen one before, and as far as I know, none of[Read More…]
Student Life
All about student life on campus.
Tea Tuesday: A closer look at the timeless drink
It’s undeniable that tea’s popularity has risen over the past years. The leaf-infused beverage has an increasingly strong presence in cafes and shops on and around McGill’s campus, and with the popularity of more ‘natural’ and health-conscious foods and beverages increasing, this newfound popular preference for tea isn’t all that surprising. Tea is having its moment, and it’s time to take notice of the cozy drink.
The faults in our stars: Diving into the horoscope debate
The word ‘astrology’ brings to mind images of new-age hippies making major life decisions based on whether or not Mercury is in retrograde. From the second millennium BC, the stars have drawn believers, but my experiences with astrology don’t extend that far back. Instead, astrology and I date back to[Read More…]
The Tribune Tastes: Cannoli
With school starting again, the sweet taste of summer is becoming a distant memory. To wrap up August, Montreal’s annual Italian Week showed residents of Little Italy and beyond how important good, home-cooked treats can be. Because cannoli took center stage at this year’s festivities, The McGill Tribune rolled out the dough to[Read More…]
McGill 101
Congratulations on starting your journey. While McGill is renowned for its academics and research, it can be extremely daunting to navigate, especially as a new student. What you'll find below is articles answering some of those questions. The topics range across our sections—News, Opinion, Student Living, Features, Science and Technology,[Read More…]
MyCourses revamped: Five new things you can do
Come the start of each school year, many McGill students feel their blood pressure rise as they open MyCourses for the first time, exchanging their summer freedom for new academic goals and bucket lists.
Montreal’s Italian Week recognizes cannoli’s place in Italian culture
From Aug. 4 to 13, Montreal’s Little Italy bustled with a variety of Italian cultural activities as the city celebrated the annual Italian Week. Along Saint-Laurent Boulevard, stretching from Rue Saint Zotique to Rue Jean-Talon East, the streets were dotted with stands from local eateries, many of which were giving[Read More…]
Affirmations for the start of school
Advice to our younger selves: What we wish we had known
Regardless of how far you’ve travelled, coming to McGill is a huge adventure to embark on. Your first year is chance to reinvent yourself and push your boundaries. Try to look at each experience as an opportunity to learn more about yourself–the more experiences you have, the more you’ll grow.
How to stay out of trouble while drinking: A rundown of the rules
It’s the start of a new school year and the season of back-to-school parties—a time to make new friends and catch up with old ones. Getting hit with a fine in the process, however, is no one’s idea of fun on a Saturday night. The Legal Information Clinic at McGill has provided some rules to keep in mind as you make the most of the precious few weeks before midterms hit–no tickets or court dates involved.