In today’s political climate, it seems important new stories break every day. It is also without much surprise that people are now more worried than ever by the frequent reports. As noted by story editor Nitsuh Abebe in April in The New York Times, the past year has seen the[Read More…]
Student Life
All about student life on campus.
The digital detox: Taking a break from the online world
Emails, Facebook, Snapchat, Messenger, Instagram, Twitter, and repeat. Digital content is never more than a swipe or click away; it has a pervasive presence casting a shadow on users’ everyday lives—and at times, the online world can prove difficult to escape. While technology can help to foster creativity and aid[Read More…]
Free and fun things to do in Montreal: Summer 2017 edition
Montreal is the place to be during the summer—its true beauty and romantic atmosphere simply cannot be captured during the winter months. Whether you are taking summer classes, working a job, or simply enjoying a break from studying, there’s always something exciting for you to do. As a student, the[Read More…]
Reflections: Motherless on Mother’s Day
Now, when I reflect upon my life, I see it in two distinct periods: Life with my mom and life without my mom. This division represents the unwelcome change that seeped into every domain of my life. Nothing was the same anymore—birthdays, Christmases, school, my home, my family, even myself—all realms of my life had changed.
What faith is your fashion? Looking into Forever 21’s hidden religious undertones
As a presumed general rule of consumer culture, products are available for sale to any interested buyer and businesses are motivated primarily by economic profit; however, in recent years it has come to light that some multinational corporations subliminally promote religious agendas through their product lines and, for the most[Read More…]
Tackling digital clutter: Why virtual file organization matters and how you can achieve it
When I started studying at McGill, I could not have anticipated the amount of digital clutter I would amass in my time here. My laptop was my go-to device; it served as my notebook, my planner, and my coursepack all at once. But by the end of my second semester,[Read More…]
My new beginning: How I transferred to McGill
Transferring to a new university is not a decision to make on a whim. If you are coming from outside of Canada, as I was, it can be an even bigger challenge, but I am proof that transferring is feasible, and that it can be the best decision of your[Read More…]
University and the quarter-life crisis: Rediscovering ambition at McGill
The average person in Canada is a quarter of the way through their life by age 22—a third by 27. The quantification of life brings the future out of lofty abstraction and into pressing reality. As much as this induces anxiety about how one will use their remaining years of[Read More…]
Carving a new beginning in the face of rejection
The wounds of rejection cut deep, especially when they come by surprise. Because the end of the school year is a time when many McGill students are waiting to hear back from jobs, internships, and graduate schools, it can be comforting to know that many people are facing the same[Read More…]
From Second Cup to Milton B: A new beginning for the Milton-Parc cafe
In February 2017, the 24-hour Second Cup on rue Milton and Avenue du Parc boarded its walls and announced its permanent closure. For 12 years, it served as more than just a coffee shop. With a high percentage of McGill students living in the Milton-Parc community, the cafe was a[Read More…]