Merriness might seem to be stubbornly hiding around the corner, but, believe it or not, this semester is wrapping up, and students will soon be exam-free, and many are faced with gifts aplenty as the holiday season arrives. With every joyful exclamation of “thank you” this month, one might wonder[Read More…]
Student Life
All about student life on campus.
The peculiar case of rez caf cliques
For many first-years, their first foray into McGill life starts in residence. Fresh, bright-faced students come into university expecting to find that perfect group of friends—like something out of Friends or Saved by the Bell—and yet, residence life can be incredibly intimidating to navigate. In many ways, it can even[Read More…]
Secretly freeing the nipple: @wearenipscapes challenges instagram censorship regulations
@wearenipscapes is an Instagram account dedicated to challenging the sexualization and censorship of female nipples. The page consists of pictures of beautiful landscapes with subtle nipple additions, usually hidden somewhere in the corner. The McGill Tribune recently spoke with Sally Maxwell, U3 Science and founder of @wearenipscapes, about her inspiration[Read More…]
Brunch at the Dép: Dépanneur Fancé blurs the line between dep and cafe
The dépanneur, or “dép,” is traditionally dimly lit, and its shelves are lined with frayed cardboard boxes of Kraft Dinner, ramen, and exquisitely cheap wine. It is home to racks of gum, chocolate bars, and the occasional school supply. Montrealers rely upon déps for their quick convenience and their[Read More…]
Murals of Montreal: Jason Botkin’s sidewalk art
“Look up!” is an oft-repeated phrase in today’s society. Whether it’s as an incentive to look up from mobile phones or simply to pay more attention to one’s surroundings, the phrase is echoed countless times in day-to-day life. But in order to enjoy Jason Botkin’s sidewalk art, it’s not up[Read More…]
The holiday season kicks off at Education Faculty’s pop-up shop
On Nov. 18, the lobby of the Education Building was transformed into a cozy and cheerful winter wonderland for the faculty’s first annual Holiday Pop-Up Shop. This festive kickoff to the holiday season showcased 19 student vendors selling everything from cupcakes to wooden bowties. Glittering snowflakes hung from the ceiling,[Read More…]
Smol puppers and fluffy doggos: A history of dogspotting
Taking pictures of dogs in public has been nothing but a casual activity for years; however, when humanity’s fascination with our canine companions merged with the reach of social media, the Facebook group Dogspotting was born. Dogspotting is the act of ‘spotting’ dogs in public, taking a picture, and posting[Read More…]
TedxMontreal 2016 defines, inspires, and changes perspectives
TEDxMontreal, which had Perspectives as its theme in 2016, aims to stimulate curiosity by showcasing a diversity of viewpoints from the Montreal community. It is among the TEDx program of self-organized events, designed to bring a TED-like experience to local cities. This year, the conference was held on Nov. 12[Read More…]
The Pomodoro Technique: A time management method to get you through finals
Every student has their own study methods. There are those who still haven’t opened their books, and probably won’t until the day of their final exam. There are the lucky few that inexplicably seem to understand the material with almost no effort or revision. Then there are the students that[Read More…]
The Tribune Tries: Therapeutic adult colouring
In the Brown Student Services Building, there sits a small table with stacks of crisp colouring pages and endless tubs of coloured pencils. This table is a resource for stressed students who might be searching for a therapeutic activity. Art has always been a way for some people to express[Read More…]