Dear Ainsley, A friend of mine from back home recently told me she’s been dating my ex for four months and lying about it. I’m not so much mad that they’re dating, more so that they lied for four months. Also, when she told me, she was incredibly insensitive and[Read More…]
Student Life
All about student life on campus.
Legal Information Column: What does plagiarism actually mean at McGill?
It’s a scary time of year here on campus, and not just because many are feeling the effects of Halloween libations this past weekend. Students are also on edge because the season of midterms and final papers has arrived. Whether cramming for morning midterms or brewing a pot of midnight[Read More…]
SaintWoods develops Montreal nightlife with “democratic cool”
Apartment 200, SuWu, and École Privée are clubs known for their unconventional conceptual design, hip-hop friendly atmosphere, and lines of young people stretching around the block. These venues are familiar to any Montrealer who frequents St-Laurent for a night out and they have begun to attract international attention from customers[Read More…]
Secrets hidden in Mount Royal Park
Few students are lucky enough to go to class next door to a sprawling patch of urban green space. Despite being one of Montreal’s most interesting landmarks, Mount Royal often fades into the background for many McGill students, serving as nothing more than a backdrop of pretty scenery. It’s easy[Read More…]
Word on the Y: What is the best Halloween costume you’ve ever worn?
As October comes to a close, McGill students are setting aside their textbooks to celebrate Halloween. This week, The McGill Tribune asked McGill students passing by the Y-Intersection about their most creative, spooky, or cringe-worthy Halloween costumes. Sheree Marshall, U2 Psychology “I don’t know if there are any Walking Dead fans,[Read More…]
Recipe: Fall treats made with leftover parts of any pumpkin
One glance at the trees on Mount Royal is enough to know that fall is here. The most cozy season of the year has arrived, signaling students to unpack their sweaters, pull out their toques, and enjoy the beautiful colours of fall before winter sets in. One key autumnal staple[Read More…]
Urban legends of McGill residences
From the Upper Rez residents complaining about the hill to the hotel-style residents’ habit of locking themselves out, each McGill residence has its own atmosphere and annoyances. One of the few things they share in common are the urban legends that any first-year student living in residence has heard. These[Read More…]
The loneliness epidemic
Loneliness is hard to define because it is premised on a feeling of lack—a lack of contact, of laughter, of connection, of empathy, of dependence. It is a lack that weighs heavy at 8 p.m. on McGill campus as students slowly make their way home—their stomachs growling and vision blurry[Read More…]
Stick n’ poke tattoo culture spreads across Montreal
The centuries-old stick n’ poke tattooing technique has skyrocketed in popularity in North America since the 1960s. These DIY tattoos are made by dipping a needle in tattoo ink and repeatedly puncturing the skin. Specifically in Montreal, stick n’ poke tattoos have become increasingly common in recent years as a[Read More…]
A planner with an agenda: School Schmool incorporates local art and activism
As the mayhem of the semester engulfs students, many find it difficult to keep track of their busy schedule. A planner can help with that. School Schmool, a multi-purpose agenda published yearly by the Quebec Public Interest Research Group (QPIRG) at McGill and Concordia, aims to do exactly that and[Read More…]