Dear Ainsley, Dear Ainsley, I am entering my first year at McGill in the Fall, and I'm not quite sure what to expect academically. I've heard grade deflation at McGill can be severe, and that classes are rigorous. What should I expect? Sincerely, Frightened First Year (FFY) Dear FFY, To[Read More…]
Student Life
All about student life on campus.
How to make the most of Activities Night
Whether you are a first-year looking to find your place in the McGill community or a fourth-year student hoping to become more involved on campus and pad your resume before graduation, Activities Night is a great place to start your search for the perfect extracurricular. With this year’s Activities Night[Read More…]
6 ways to transform a patio from boring to beautiful on a budget
Carpe summer! Seize the season. As summer winds down, many students will return to the city with just a few remaining weeks of warm weather. There’s no time in the semester more lovely than early September, and there’s no better place to spend the relaxed days of the Add/Drop period[Read More…]
The best things in life are free: The 30th annual Montreal Museum Day
As an art museum fanatic, an opportunity to explore the Montreal museum scene without spending a dime is one that I can never pass up. Luckily for me, on Sunday May 29, the city of Montreal hosted its 30th annual Montreal Museum Day, during which up to 36 local museums[Read More…]
Spots to soak up the Montreal sun (with a good book)
Most students have that book—the book they promised themselves they would read before school, work, and friends eventually take over. With exams long over and summer in full swing, many students have more time on their hands, making it the perfect opportunity to crack open a new read. The following[Read More…]
Ask Ainsley: “How can I avoid blacking out?”
Dear Ainsley, Last weekend I went to a party at a friend’s house. I was drinking vodka and not really counting my shots and I ended up blacking out for the first time. My friends took great care of me, but I still woke up the next morning feeling really[Read More…]
Ask Ainsley: “How do I talk about condoms with my partner?”
Dear Ainsley, I am bad at negotiating condom use and will often not mention it if the other person doesn’t. What are some tactics to bring this up when my partner doesn’t want to? Sincerely, How to Wrap it Up? Dear HTWU, I always used to pride myself on my[Read More…]
Fiddling around: McGill Shulich School of Music students move from performance halls to the streets
During the school year, students in McGill’s Shulich School of Music seldom take a break from rehearsing and performing. Finding themselves unoccupied after the chaos of the school year, Rebecca Jacobson and McKenna Glorioso, both U3 Violin Performance in McGill’s Schulich School of Music, seized the opportunity to test the waters[Read More…]
Tech-free tea time
There is a unique experience around each corner in Montréal. Of the many internationally-inspired cafés, Camellia Sinensis Tea House, nestled in Montreal’s Quartier Latin, is the epitome of serenity. Located on Rue Émery, this gem allows customers to escape from the fast pace of the city and enjoy a cup[Read More…]
Out on the town: Montreal’s best terraces for any occasion
The short-lived yet vibrant summer season is typically accompanied by lifted spirits and a drastic increase in traffic to the city’s best eateries. Walking through the city, one can often see patrons spilling out in high volume onto the patioed sidewalks, roofs, and backyards. Although the prevalence of restaurant terraces[Read More…]