In an ideal world, students would have the time to prepare three healthy, hearty meals per day, with neat tupperwares of leftovers stored in the fridge, prepped for the week. In reality, students often end up eating out, snacking, and skipping meals due to their busy schedules. These energy bites[Read More…]
Student Life
All about student life on campus.
Campus Spotlight: Bar des Arts
McGill’s hustle and bustle can often seem neverending, and finding an environment where one can escape the busy-ness of student life while still on campus can be a challenge. The Arts Undergraduate Society’s (AUS) Bar des Arts (BdA) serves as a resting spot for students to enjoy a beer and grilled[Read More…]
Reflections on the Self Care Challenge
For most people, self care occurs on an unconscious level everyday. At its simplest, self care is the process whereby one gives their body and mind what they need. For the last three years, however, Healthy McGill has made a point of asking students to bring this process to a[Read More…]
Recipe: Red Lentil Soup
Now that midterms season has graced McGill students, any prior New Year’s resolutions to cook fancy, elaborate meals have gone out the window. Enter this red lentil soup recipe, which is fast and simple; it only has three steps, and the last one is opt-outable if you’re tight for time.[Read More…]
Five alternative nap spots on campus
When the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) closed the doors to the lounge in the Shatner University Centre, they took away more than a faculty-free place to study—they took away the prime napping location on campus. While students involved in clubs with offices can sneak in a mid-day snooze[Read More…]
Student of the Week: Emma Solome
When transitioning from first year to second year, Emma Solome knew she was looking for something more from her university experience. Her focus this year is incorporating extra-curricular ventures that she is passionate about while balancing a challenging degree in chemical engineering. “In first year, I wasn’t really involved in[Read More…]
Pierogies in creamy mushroom sauce
Unfortunately for students, the temperature is not expected to rise far above zero degrees in the week ahead. In the absence of a tropical breeze or a miraculous climate change, another option to keep warm is to stay home with a hearty dinner; however, when one thinks of comfort food,[Read More…]
Campus Spotlight: Vent Over Tea
Many of the mental health services at McGill take place in a formal office setting, and some require a wait time from a few weeks up to two months. Vent Over Tea offers a different approach—one that requires little wait time and can take place at any café in the[Read More…]
BSN x CKUT: Black Talk
On Monday, Feb. 15, Black Students’ Network (BSN) collaborated with CKUT 90.3 FM to produce Black Talk, thirteen hours of afrocentric radio programming. As part of their Black History Month series, the BSN-involved McGill students and Montreal locals alike fostered conversations on the black experience and issues within the black[Read More…]
Valentine’s Day dinner made simple
It’s easy to pretend it’s all hearts and roses, but Valentine’s Day can be stressful. It’s supposed to be an opportunity to share some quality time with your significant other, but pressure to design the perfect evening can be overwhelming. Here’s a list of tested and approved restaurants to help[Read More…]