News, SSMU

Allison Cooper

What do you see as being the biggest challenge in this position?

I think one really big challenge that we see a lot at the front desk is just sort of general administration of clubs. 

Something they’ve been trying to do a lot this year that Carol has been doing a lot of work on has been really categorizing all of the clubs. … If [people] miss activities night to get involved with clubs, they go to the website, so it’s really important that it has all the contact information for groups and all the information about them. Having them in categories like “environmental groups,” “charity groups,” “musical groups,” “athletics groups” is a really great way to help administer clubs, and I’d really like to see then representatives from groups that are in a similar category get together and talk about their shared needs.

The clubs and services portfolio is huge, overseeing all of these clubs and services. Do you think that you’re organized enough and have the management skills to handle such a big portfolio?

Yeah, I mean one example of how I’ve been able to do that recently is as a lead author of the Independent Student Inquiry this year, which I’m really impressed that we managed to pull together. … So on Nov. 11 that project started, and we had our preliminary report out, which I think was really comprehensive, by I think Dec. 1, two weeks before Jutras.  

It’s a really long report, and I think very professional. The amount of organization that took was definitely a lot, and our final report actually just came out, it’s also really comprehensive. Within clubs and services on that end of the paperwork side and then working at the front desk, all of this sort of administrative, organizational stuff is so important. Without it it would just be a mess.

If you were a superhero what would your power be?

I have to pick one power? I want to say healing powers, but really I would just want to fly.

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