What do you think the VP clubs and services relationship should be towards independent student groups that aren’t clubs or services, such as QPIRG?
The way I see it is that campus is a place for intellectual growth and intellectual discussion and groups like QPIRG or campus publications. Even though their not directly under SSMU, not directly under the VP clubs and services, they still provide a service in the same way that a club or service does and so their growth should be developed and fostered in the same kind of way.
The last two VP clubs and services were both the interest group coordinators before coming into the position. Do you think it’s an advantage to be the IGC before coming into the position?
I certainly see it as a positive experience to have had before coming into the position, but it’s not the only one and not every VP clubs and services. I come from that kind of outside perspective and I want to bring a fresh perspective to the bureaucracy of SSMU, which is sometimes really hard to deal with, and sometimes can seem really condescending.
What do you think makes you the best candidate for this position?
I really think I’d bring a fresh perspective to this position, something that hasn’t necessarily been there in the past years. And I don’t just throw around the buzzwords—I’m not really a politician, I’m really running for this because I think I could do the best job in terms of anti-oppression and environmental sustainability.
What if you and the incoming executives had different ideas about the way things should be run (i.e. collectively versus more hierarchical)?
I think it could be something that could be discussed. The executive committee isn’t a super hierarchical thing; decisions are always kind of made collectively anyways. But I would try to bring in my past experience with working with strictly consensus based organizational model and may have to adapt it.
If you were a type of mixed drink, what would you be and why?
Something with whisky it in. It gets you a more mellow drunk.