What are the most important issues facing the VP UA next year?
With what’s gone on this year with all the protests, strikes, etc., the most important thing is to maintain a healthy and effective relationship with the university. Protests have legitimacy and can be a great way to voice opinions, but they’re not always the most effective way to create change. The best way is to work within the system to try to get things done.
Equity is also a really big part of the portfolio. We’ve just had a new equity policy put in through council. Safe space is also a big part of my plan for next year. Making sure that everyone has the ability to say their opinion without fear of somebody ganging up on them.
What will your role will be in addressing this divide?
All of the senators try to engage with their faculties as much as possible. I really think it’s important to have everybody’s voice heard. A lot of the times you get the same kind of people out to the SSMU events, so reaching out to the faculty associations or clubs and services, even trying to integrate the different portfolios, just trying to get as many people aware and involved as possible is important. You can’t force people to participate, but you can at least make them aware of what’s going on
How has your past experience prepared you for this position?
I’m on a lot of committees which bring me into close contact with the admin and I have a good working relationship with them. I’m not afraid to fight them on certain issues, but they actually listen to me. So for example, after Nov. 10, the principal called in the group of 15 senators, and myself and Kady Paterson were the only undergrads called in and we suggested that our session be livestreamed and that there be an open forum discussion that was also livestreamed and that’s actually what happened the next week.
I’m also a councillor, so I know SSMU pretty well, and I’ve worked on the financial ethics and review committee so I know sort of how the financials work. And I’m also on the Board of Directors. I think of all of the three combined has given me a rounded perspective on the what the UA does.
If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be?
The ability to come in and save the day.