Why is it important that the VP clubs and services be an elected position and not something like the interest group coordinator, who is an appointed administrator?
When you’re hired as IGC you kind of already have an idea of what you’re supposed to be doing and you fulfill a certain role, whereas with the VP clubs and services portfolio there are certain responsibilities, but you can cater to all the needs of the clubs within your term of office. I think that’s going to be really important especially for next year, because I hope to implement a lot of changes that will better the whole system in general, because it’s a bit of a mess.
What are some of the issues that you’ve noticed this year and how would you try and fix them?
A lot of clubs haven’t been active for a number of years, so it’s really wasting the resources that we have to offer clubs and services. I’ve been looking into the way a bunch of other universities in Canada handle their clubs and services programs and a lot of them have been super successful because of the fact that they make clubs reapply every year. I think this would be really beneficial for our system here at McGill because then we would be better able to help the clubs in growing and being successful on campus and we would not be wasting any resources on clubs that aren’t active at all.
The last two VPs of clubs and services were both former interest group coordinators. How does your position as IGC prepare you for this role?
This is a big part of the difference between Carol and I. As IGC you learn thing that you can’t in any sort ofposition to prepare you for VP clubs and services. You learn the inner workings of SSMU, you work with the people, you develop relationships with everyone in the office, you see how people within SSMU interact and how to go about certain things.
If you were a mixed drink, what would you be, and why?
A B-52. It’s a shot of Kahlua, Bailey’s, and Crown Royal. I think having those different layers can be related to me.