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SSMU Report Cards

Maggie Knight (President): A

Maggie Knight was dealt a very difficult hand this year as SSMU president. While this may have distracted her from some of her goals, the Tribune has no hesitation in saying she has done an exceptional job as president. The Strategic Summits, while allowing a safe space for discussion, were sparsely attended, demonstrating that something more than just consultation is needed. That said, throughout many trying events, including two occupations, the MUNACA strike, and her dealings with the administration, Knight always presented herself as calm and diplomatic. She made a sensible decision on the Memorandum of Agreement concerning the Shatner Building’s lease and the use of the McGill name and maintained a cohesive executive. The Tribune applauds Knight for consistently delivering results.

Emily Yee Clare (VP University Affairs): A- 

Emily Clare worked closely with Maggie Knight this year to draft policies such as the Equity Policy. She proved herself to be a respected voice in senate and stepped into a position of leadership when Knight expressed a conflict of interest in the Newburgh v. Tacoma Judicial Board hearing. She played a principal and pragmatic role in the renegotiation of SSMU’s Memorandum of Agreement with the administration, which ultimately led to the controversial restriction of the use of the McGill name by SSMU clubs and services. As a member of senate, we understand her role to include fostering a good relationship between SSMU, its constituents, and the administration. This was certainly a challenging year to fulfill such a mandate, but nevertheless, there was a tense relationship between the admin and SSMU throughout the year.

Todd Plummer (VP Internal): B

Many students on the verge of nervous breakdowns last December can thank Todd Plummer for bringing in therapy dogs to
quell their fears. Unfortunately, that’s just about the only out-of-the-box thing Plummer did all year. The predictable events, such
as frosh, 4Floors, and Faculty Olympics were well attended, but lacked the spark of previous years. Plummer attempted to reform the
listserv earlier in the year, but the much needed reforms quickly dissipated. Finally, SSMU’s response to the AUS GA, co-authored by
Plummer, was an overreaction to a problem that should have been dealt with internally.

Shyam Patel (VP Finance and Operations): A-

Shyam Patel came into the year with many high expectations for his portfolio. The Tribune feels that Patel succeeded in fulfilling
many of his goals, from working to bring back a student-run café to creating a five-year ethical investment plan for SSMU. Titled the
“best dressed executive,” we also commend Patel on his efforts to hold office hours, something not many VP Finance and Operations
have done in the past. His only blemish on an otherwise strong year was that his much-lauded launch of SSMU Marketplace never gained the momentum he anticipated.

Carol Fraser (VP Clubs and Services): A-

Carol Fraser tackled one of the most extensive portfolios this year. As VP Clubs and Services, Fraser was responsible for overseeing all of SSMU’s clubs and services, as well as acting as building manager of Shatner. Early in the year, when the admin restricted the use of the McGill name by clubs and services, Fraser acted as a effective liaison for confused club executives. She also brought club and services information into the 21st century, with more extensive information and helpful categorization of clubs and services
on the SSMU website. Her decision to include an alternative format for Winter Activities Night was creative, but ultimately flopped. At the same time, she’s paved a smooth transition for her successor, Allison Cooper.

Joël Pedneault (VP External): B

There is no doubt that Joël Pedneault has shown great dedication to his position as VP External from the very beginning of the year. However, while the position of VP External is often hard to define and is known for being one of the most political executive positions, the Tribune feels that Pedneault may be been too passionate, and as a result has alienated a portion of the student body while showing dedicated support for another. It is the job of the VP External to help represent the entire McGill student community, and in order to do so, it is required for those in the position take a step back from their personal politics.


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