What are you working on this year?
One of my big projects this year is showing the faculty associations how SSMU can complement what they do; that it’s not an alternative or umbrella organization. Some have been more receptive than others, although most people are just getting back to school, and the real work is still to come. Part of this is the Faculty Olympics. In Faculty Olympics your faculty forms a team and the Olympics is basically a giant competition ranging from academic jeopardy to boat races. I want to extend the Faculty Olympics and try to integrate it with other SSMU events: if your team goes to athletics event, for example, you’ll get more points.
What do you bring to the role that’s different than what your predecessors have done?
I think what I bring is a whole new consciousness of faculty associations. Because I was an AUS exec, I’m much more aware of how annoying SSMU can be; much more sensitive to them and excited about this. My big priority is to create a more open dialogue between SSMU and the faculty associations.
What are some challenges you foresee this year?
Frosh is still an issue. As much as it is an event that happens at the beginning of September, it’s something that’s always on the administration’s mind; something that students hold really dearly as having control over. I think a challenge is going to be that the students learned so much about how they want Frosh to be run, and when the faculty execs turn over, will all that knowledge turn over as well? I want to keep it fun and student-run, but it’s a slippery slope.
Never have I ever dyed my hair.