Resolution Re: The Society’s Invesments – YES
This resolution would amend the Students’ Society’s bylaws to include information regarding its investments in corporate shares and government bonds. As SSMU’s counsel has advised, this is necessary in order to bring the corporation in line with Quebec law.
Resolution Re: Biking on Campus – NO
If passed, this resolution would mandate SSMU to investigate whether bikes on campus are dangerous, to lobby the administration to reinstate biking on campus, and to look for ways to make biking safer. The administration made it clear in the Fall that they have no intention of reversing this policy, and no General Assembly motion or student-conducted research will change this. Also, it’s doubtful that SSMU has either the resources to effectively study this issue or improve bicycle safety.
Resolution Re: The Improvement of the SSMU — NO
Citing concerns with SSMU’s administrative structure, this resolution proposes that the organization commission an independent study by an outside researcher, preferably a student, to investigate the SSMU’s efficiency and business practices. While we’d love to see SSMU operate more efficiently, we’re concerned about hiring a student to conduct the study. While student researchers can produce good work, this particular project is in an area where it’s unlikely that any student would have the expertise required to conduct a complete, useful analysis.
Resolution Re: The Appointment of McKinsey & Co. — NO
This resolution proposes that SSMU oppose the appointment of McKinsey & Co., a consulting group that McGill recently announced will provide services pro bono to the university, as well as the appointment of one of the company’s administrators to the McGill’s Board of Governors. Many of the whereas clauses, however, in this resolution are simplistic and devoid of context. Most corporations as large as McKinsey have taken actions that, when cited out of context, may reflect poorly on the company. This does not make the corporation inherently evil and certainly does not mean we shouldn’t avail ourselves of their services, particularly when they are offered for free.
Resolution Re: Use of McGill’s Name — YES
If passed, this resolution would mandate SSMU to continue to fight for the rights of student groups to use the McGill name in their titles and would ban the university from using any of these groups in their own publications if no progress is made. Many clubs and services on campus, including the Tribune, have recently faced problems stemming from the university’s restrictions on the use of its name and this resolution is a step in the right direction.