Tadamon! states that Hezbollah plays many roles in society, like providing daycare services to poor families. I can think of a few more roles, such as using women and children as human shields, and firing rockets from densely populated areas. Hezbollah has been linked to hundreds of terror attacks around the world including the truck bombing in 1983 that killed two hundred US Marines, hijacking of the TWA flight 847 in 1985, attacks on Jewish synagogues, embassies and community centres around the world, not to mention dragging Lebanon into a war with Israel in 2006 after abducting and killing two IDF soldiers in northern Israel and firing 4000 rockets. Tadamon! thinks Hezbollah should be de-listed as a terror group because it donates money and medical supplies to gain support from the local population who otherwise reviles it? Forgive me for suggesting that Hezbollah is on the terror list for a reason and Tadamon’s defence of Hezbollah’s human rights record shows extremely poor judgment.
—Michelle Whiteman
Honest Reporting Canada