Although the vice-president clubs and services position is acclaimed, the Tribune strongly endorses Anushay Khan. Thanks to her tenure as SSMU’s interest group coordinator, Khan is likely the most qualified individual for the position. She is familiar with the day-to-day workings of SSMU, the organization’s policies, and also with the executive and members of many clubs.
Khan’s competence and knowledge of the portfolio are evident in the specific plans she outlined in her platform. Khan will seek to increase club space by creating multipurpose rooms, improve and make greater use of the kiosk in the Shatner lobby, and continue improvements to the SSMU website. Not only are these goals specific, they are also achievable in the coming year.
Although she is not currently a councillor and her presence is not required, Khan has been a familiar figure at SSMU Council meetings. Given the lacklustre attendance of many councillors, this is particularly impressive.
In addition, Khan has vowed to take an apolitical stance on issues that should arise in her portfolio. The controversies that have surrounded Choose Life over the past few years are key examples of why it is importance for the VP C&S not to let his or her personal opinions influence their role as a facilitator.
In terms of personal characteristics, Khan is enthusiastic, approachable, and informed, all qualities that will serve her well as VP C&S.