Resolution Regarding AUS Fundraiser—YES
This resolution mandates that SSMU conduct a bake sale to raise funds for the AUS. The latter has had serious financial difficulties, many of which cannot be blamed on the the current executives. While the Tribune realizes that the motion is being put forward not by Arts students trying to rescue their own organization but by others trying to have a laugh at the AUS’s expense, we love a good bake sale, and support any effort to help the AUS return to the black.
Resolution Regarding Gerts Renovations—DIVIDED
This resolution would mandate that “the renovation of Gerts include a ‘stripper pole’ in the final design specifications.” The Tribune editorial board is divided on this motion, each side claiming the merits of its argument are so self-evident as not to require explanation. Tribune readers will have to follow their conscience on this one.
Resolution Regarding Liability—YES
Another joke resolution, this one mandates that SSMU, in light of the administration’s recent concerns over use of the word “McGill” in the names of student organizations, refer to itself for the rest of 2010 as “the Students’ Society of The Educational Institute Roughly Bounded by Peel, Penfield, University, Sherbrooke, and Mac Campus,” or as the acronym SSTEIRBBPPUSAMC for short. The Tribune supports this resolution, particularly because of the clause which says “The SSTEIRBBPPUSAMC will not make any changes with its name that incur financial loss,” such as changing its logo.
Resolution Regarding Student-Run Printing Services—YES, with reservations
This resolution would mandate SSMU to use Copi-EUS, the only student-run printing service on campus, for all printing jobs exceeding the capacity of the SSMU office printer. The Tribune supports this resolution, so long as SSMU diligently investigates whether Copi-EUS can handle the kind of large printing jobs SSMU requires, and whether they offer a competitive price.
Resolution Regarding the Maintenance of the SSMU Liquor License—YES
This motion seeks to establish a board of directors for SSMU to bring the organization into compliance with provincial law requiring that the holder of a liquor license be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Quebec. The board would consist of SSMU executives and councillors who meet those requirements. If this resolution doesn’t pass, SSMU is in danger of losing its liquor licence, something the Tribune is very, very against. Vote yes on this one—for us, if not for yourself.
Resolution Regarding Volume at Gerts—YES, with reservations
The Tribune enthusiastically supports this resolution, which would require the bartenders at Gerts to lower the volume at which music is played during the day to a standard conversation level, approximately 60 decibels. We think it’s unnecessary to afix a rigid maximum volume, but the resolution should be passed nonetheless. As it stands, trying to talk over the music is just about impossible. We have a hunch that making the bar into an enjoyable place to be during the day may be good for business, and abandoning the concert-level noise at noon is a good way to do that, even if it means the bartenders don’t get to blast Kid Cudi. This resolution would improve campus life in a concrete way, and should be passed overwhelmingly.
Resolution Regarding Gender Parity—YES
The current system whereby males speak interchangeably with non-males at SSMU Council and General Assemblies poses no apparent problems, and there is probably not a burning necessity to eliminate it. At the same time, the whereas clauses of the resolution make fair points: females do outnumber males at McGill, are not underrepresented in McGill politics, and gender parity does force those who prefer not to identify with a gender to make a public declaration or remain silent. We recognize that gender disparity exists in Canadian political life, but we see no evidence of it at McGill. Thus, while it may do little harm, gender parity seems like frivolous regulation that could be safely removed.
The Tribune looks at the nature of these resolutions and is forced to draw the conclusion that the GA is a joke—a long and painful joke. Some insist that more advertising and promotion would improve the GA. Instead, hours and thousands of dollars later, the GA continues to be a forum of first-come first-serve democracy that is either a partisan showdown of Robert’s Rules knowledge or just not attended. SSMU should look to other venues to replace the GA—like the already-existent Council. This one should be the last.