Question regarding online voting for the GA-YES
This question proposes the addition of online ratification for SSMU General Assembly (GA) motions after the in-person GA has taken place. This newspaper has a history of decrying the SSMU GA as an undemocratic forum. Our complaints have included the polarized nature of the debates, the physical limitations of the venues on campus, and an absurdly low quorum in which 100 students can make decisions that affect 25,000 students. The AUS GA demonstrated that it is impossible to conduct a democratic, in-person general assembly for even one faculty.
Online ratification will allow more students to participate in decisions which affect them. The proposed quorum for online ratification is significantly higher than it is currently, at 10 per cent. While this is still a small fraction of the student body, it is a step in the right direction of representative decision making. Opponents of online ratification cite the in-person GA’s forum for debate as a defining component. We agree that debate is essential to the GA, and so retaining the in-person GA and adding online ratification is an appropriate compromise.
QPIRG existence-YES
QPIRG’s existence is at stake again after the administration invalidated the Fall referendum results in which students voted to continue funding QPIRG and in favour of changing the opt-out system. The current question deals only with the group’s fee renewal, and students would still be able to opt out of the organization’s $3.75 per term fee through Minerva.
In the Fall referendum period, we encouraged students to vote Yes for QPIRG’s existence, although we had reservations about the group’s proposed change to the opt-out system. Our reasons for supporting the organization have not changed: QPIRG provides funding to many groups which benefit the McGill and Montreal community. The opt-out system should be accessible to all students. Our reservations with the opt-out system-which will remain on Minerva-have been addressed. Therefore, we encourage students to vote Yes.
We encourage all members of SSMU to vote in the upcoming referendum, April 10 – 16. To vote, go to